Chapter 6

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Mikasa's POV:
Today is the day we're helping Armin with his proposal Annie was away on a business trip and was to be back this evening Armin was letting her rest then he would take her out to dinner while me and Eren can organize what he wanted he was going to propose at the beach so when Armin took Annie out to dinner he texted me and Eren so we met and went to the beach we got all he wanted the sea shells ,rose petals and the candles we made a small path of sea shells and put few candles around it, rose petals on the ground then at the end of the path we put a big shell which had the ring in it we were now sitting on the shore looking at the ocean waiting for Armin to text us so we can lit the candles and go

"So how do you want Mike to propose to you,Mika?"
"What?" I turned around to face him
"You have been dating for a while now and you both clearly love each other don't you think he'll propose soon" he turned his face towards me he had a confused look on his face
"I don't know.. and I don't know if I am ready to take a step like that" Eren giggled
"You sound like me Mikasa, well I am not saying that he's proposing now but when he does how do you want it to be?"
"Well I'd love to spend a good date with him first like not a fancy date ot could be something silly like a day at the amusement park or even not a date it can be just a good day like the day when you went with me to buy that dress then he could take me to that bridge at the port it has a great scenery and propose when the sun is going down, it sounds silly I know"
"It's not silly Mikasa" he said turning his face away from me
"It's good that you have that planned in your future I mean marriage, I'd love to take a huge step like that but you know"
"Eren you're not your parents even if, you're parents have a strong relationship now"
"But my dad had a mistress Mikasa he even had a child with her who's older than me and they almost got divorced becasue of that, it was the hardest time in my life" I put my hands on his shoulder to comfort him
"Eren if your parents had this problem it doesn't mean that you'll have it too look if you find someone and you feel that she's the one don't let your fear control you" we both stayed silence for few minutes till Armin texted saying that he'll be here in ten so we got up we lit the candles and left

We decided to hang out for a while as we had nothing better to do so we went to eat some burgers
"So would you rather having a fish tail whenever you touch water this will make you be able to breath underwater too or you can have wings that last for an hour they appear whenever you want but your shirt pays the price for that as it gets teared apart" I said taking a sip from my cola
"Easy Mika wings I can feel free then even if it was for an hour and maybe I'll let you fly with me one day if you insist"
"I'd love that, now your turn"
"Ok it's a hard one so would you rather cheat and get cought or be cheated on and never know?"
"Oh shit it's hard" I took a bite from my burger then started to imagine both scenarios the things Mike could do if I ever cheat nope it's an easy one now
"I'd rather be cheated on"
"Really, Mika" I nodded
"Well I won't know so no harm right"
"Well I'd rather cheat and get cought the idea of trusting a person so much but they lie to my face everyday isn't an option to me"
"But then you would be the one lying to her"
"But at least she'll know"
"You have a point ok,I have one but it's really stupid" I started giggling
"Wait then.." Eren took out his phone and opened Instagram stories and started recording I got a little shy because a lot of people will see this now but why give it much thought it's just a story
"Hit me with your question Mika" he had the camera pointed at us he had such a serious look on his face
"Okay so would you rather have finger sized nipples or nipple sized fingers?" I tried not to laugh saying this but seeing Eren face I couldn't stop myself from laughing
"What the fuck Mika?" He joined me laughing so loud the people started to stare at us we wiped our laughter tears away

Eren then dropped me back at Mike's, whenever I see this house I feel anxious, sad, scared and angry I pushed these thoughts away as I opened the door
"Hey Mike I am back" I yelled so he could hear me whenever he was, he came out from the kitchen
"Hey Mikasa how was your day?" He gave me a kiss on my cheek
"It was good we helped Armin with his proposal and it went great"
"That's good I already had dinner with my friends so you can make yourself something then we can watch a movie or something"
"It's ok I had dinner too"
"Oh ok then let's go watch the movie I have" he was acting normal more than the usual, weird.

The Way We Once Were (Eremika Modern AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu