Chapter 7

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Eren's POV:

It's been a week since I started working, and ever since then I have been really busy and tired ,the number of tasks and the deadlines I had weren't making it easy for me too.

And Dina won't stop staying with me all night too, so I didn't have enough time to hang out with Armin as much but we texted daily meanwhile Mikasa won't reply to my texts or answer my calls I got really worried about her she never ignored me like that before, I  planned on going to her place many times but something always prevented me from doing so and I couldn't find her at the studio either which was weird since she almost went there everyday to do her projects.

Today though I finished work early and decided to meet Armin at the bar instead of going back home,
It wasn't a long drive from the company I work in too,

"Hey Armin, I feel it's been so long" I smiled pulling him into a hug
"Eren it's been only a couple of days" he giggled hugging me back
"I know I know but I feel it's been ages since we hangout only the two of us" we ordered our usual drinks and sat on the bar
"so tell me how are you feeling Fiancè" Armin blushed a little he' so innocent and that's one of his good traits
"I am good life is a little stressful you know balancing between getting my PHD, work, and planning a wedding but you know I can handle it"
"I know you can, you have worked so hard your entire life, and I am glad I got to be part of your life I am really happy for you this is the future you deserve"
Armin has been through so much yet he never showed weakness and never gave up, he lost his parents at an early age, got bullied in school yet he proved everyone wrong he graduated with the highest mark in highschool got into Pharmacy school, graduated early and now he's getting his PHD if his parents were here they would be so proud just like his grandfather and everyone who knows Armin

"Thank you Eren you know I couldn't have done it without yours and Mikasa's help and support"
"Speaking of Mikasa is she ok? She never replied to any of my texts or my calls?"
"That's weird she replies to me but after a while she said she had quizzes and studying so maybe that's why she doesn't reply to you"
"Yeah but she was always busy but had time for me"
"Eren are you saying this because of your feelings for her?"
"No Armin during our whole life we never spent this time not talking even when we'd argue we made up almost immediately"
"Well Eren give her space she has her school and a boyfriend you have to move on"
"I know Armin ok" I raised my voice a little and the look on Armin's face made me regret it immediately
"I am sorry Armin, I know I know but as I said she's my friend and I should be worried about her ok"
"Ok well we're going to meet tomorrow at my place and I told her to come"
"Armin do you think maybe Mike is treating her badly maybe that's why she.."
"Enough Eren please grow up from this crush I know you care about her but really you will accuse Mike again he's been her damn boyfriend for two years can't you just leave her be happy" Armin interrupted me with a firm tone he never talked to me like that but then again I am the one who is talking weirdly
"You're right I think I am just tired that's why I am saying things like that" I scratched the back of my head
"Ok no more weird bullshit from me let's enjoy the rest of the night"

After my night with Armin I went back home Dina wanted to come but I told her I am too tired and I'll go to sleep immediately, I know I told Armin I won't think about Mikasa but I just can't help it I always had this weird feeling about Mike and I have been honest about it since day one but seeing her happy I just ignored that feeling.

I had little sleep since my brain kept me awake almost all night I had three hours till work so I decided to take a shower and get something to eat.

The day went by fast it was busy day as usual I went to Armin's instead of going back home.

Almost Everyone was there only Sasha and Mikasa left.
Armin and Annie got the snacks and drinks ready we were going to watch the room and take shots whenever we laugh or cringe just like highschool days.

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