Chapter 11

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Yuki POV

"Mr Karasuma! I'm afraid they aren't cooperating, even when we play the government card, the hotel owners maintain the have the right to protect their guest's identities." One of dad's support workers tells him, "Naturally, but not surprising, the resort our mystery man shows is a known sight or all men of illegal operations," Dad grunts, "Remote shady history affairs all the trappings for a rendezvous point," Professor Bitch cuts in, "The owners have connections to the higher-ups within the government," Dad continues, " Don't law enforcement know to leave that place untouched," I question touching my cheek, he nods, "So basically there's no way of knowing who the prick is before we meet him?" Karma says resting his face on my shoulder, "Ahh! Are we really going to take this psycho's word for it? If he's bullshitting us about the antidote, we're all going to die!" Yoshida asks, "Calm down dude, it's fine, we came to be killers not victims remember? Look how far we've come, I'm sure we'll find this guy." Hara coughs, "No way we just follow what this asshole wants us to do, I mean come on, use the runt as a proxy?! SEND THESE TWO RUNTS TO CLOSE THE DEAL AND WE AS MIGHT AS WELL LAYDOWN AND DIE RIGHT NOW! I think we ignore what the jackass says and send everyone to the hospital and forget this ever happened." Terasuka knocks Nagisa and my head, "Hey dipwad, get your hands off my girlfriend!" He was about to punch him but I pull him back, "Maybe, but if we are dealing with a man-made virus, the hospital won't be much of a help at all, not even the most state-of-the-art machinery can find a cure before they die. There's no way they can treat our friends within that timeframe. We better be going to the rendezvous point and get that cure. We have 1 hour, that's it, 1 hour or it's nothing at all!" I peek my head over Karma's shoulder, I've managed to calm him down and even better it ended in a piggy-back. Dad is silent for a while, "Ok then, Okuda, Takebayashi you two stay here and try to ease the symptoms, everyone else, let's get a move on," "YES SIR!" 

- Timeskip -

"Ten to one they plummet to their deaths even before getting halfway up," Professor Bitch says to dad, we begin climbing the cliff face, "Come on, what are we scared of? It's just a ledge, no big" Isogai states, "Yeah I know right, what have we been training for," Okano says as she scrambles up the ledge, "True," Hayami says in a monotone voice, dad and Professor Bitch look shocked, "See, we can handle this! Now whoever is at the top is a different story, so come on dad, it would be nice if we had a commander." I smile down at him, "Help us make this bastard pay! Show him what it means to mess with E class!" Terasuka pulls up his fist, "Look at that, these are obviously no ordinary teenagers, you have a fifteen-member special forces unit at your beckoned call," Koro-Sensei says to dad, "I only count fourteen?" Professor Bitch quickly scans through us, Nagisa holds up his phone, "You're forgetting about me!" Ritsu shows up on his phone, "Quickly my friend, time is of the essence," He says back to dad, "Alright listen up, when we reach the summit, our objective is the hotel's top floor, this is a stealth infiltration, so our best element is the element of surprise, I want you to use the same hand signals and link-ups we've been drilling in PE! The only difference is who we're targeting, you've got three minutes to memorise the map, know the terrain, we commence in five!" I smile at him, "YES SIR!" We collectively say. We quickly make our way up the ledge, "Last one up is a rotten egg!" we look up and Okano, "Oh man, Okano moves like a mountain goat." Justice sighs, "Yeah, she smokes just about everyone in this stuff." Isogai adds, "I know I'm probably speaking the obvious but I feel really bad for your dad Yuki, he has to carry Professor Bitch and Koro-Sensei," I look down and chuckle, "I mean her character flaw just so happens to be being left out, oh well, let's just hope she is of use to us later," I reply back to Justice, "Hmp, I wouldn't mind her so much if she wasn't so much of a boat anchor," Terasuka chimes in, "Karma! Yuki, wait! Slow down!" We both look down and see Nagisa, "If you haven't realised, we're on a bit of a time schedule," Karma says looking down, "Yeah, you've got a point," And Nagisa continues climbing up, "Careful, sharp rocks." I say hinting to Kaede while continuing to climb "Woah, that was almost ugly," As her hand merely almost grazed a rock. We finally make our way up to the summit, the entrance of the hotel, "Ritsu, I want you to run a full diagnosis on our infiltration route," I see dad take his phone out, "Right displaying full interior map now!" She salutes, "Analysing data, all elevators require a passcode, for every floor, stairs are the less conspicuous option but there's a catch, access doors are arranged at odd angles to each other across respective foyers, and the stairs themselves cover a lot of ground. We risk detection at many points." She finishes off, "Cool it's kind of like a TV station, I heard they make the layout confusing on purpose, it's a precaution against terrorists," Chiba says, "Oh I learnt something new today!" Kaede chirps. "Side door locked, one moment." We hear a click and Ritsu managed to turn the lock off, we quickly hurry inside. "Let's move, we don't have much time." We follow dad into the building, "Yes sir."

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