Chapter 28

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Yuki POV

The four of us along with Mirio and Izuku were just patrolling the area, we were scouting the area, "This... this is kind of nerve-wracking," Izuku points out after two girls point out that they're heroes, "What gives, you did go out on patrol for you internships right?" Kaede asks him, "Yeah, well, I just kind of didn't learn the basics is all," We all continue walking, "Oh, that's strange, Sir and Bubble are the ones watching the target today so I can teach you all about patrol duty, you guys too!" He points at the four of us, little does he know we don't need to, he starts flaunting his arms out waving them about, "Hey wait, since we're out on patrol, we should know each other's hero names, we should call each other by those names, I'm Lemillion!" Mirio points out, Izuku nods, "Oh, oh yeah totally! I'm Deku!" Mirio looks at us, we sweatdrop, but Karma starts opening his trap, "Semi-Senioritis, Forever-Flat, Last-Resort and Gender!" Our faces pale, "Those are funny names?" Mirio asks us, "Yeah well, we don't really have hero names, they more our code names, just call us by our real names, it would make more sense," Nagisa rubs the back of his head, Mirio was confused but gave us a thumbs up, we continue walking down the street and a little girl bumps into me, she has a horn on her head, probably her quirk, "Are you ok? That was quite a fall, want some help?" I smile at her, I pick her up, she's trembling at an unimaginable pace, "You should be more careful. You don't want to cause trouble for the heroes," Chisaki walks out, the six of our eyes widen, her arms, they're covered in bandages, "Hey, what's wrong?" I whisper in her ear, "Please, please don't go," She holds onto me tighter, she looks around Kota's age, possibly younger, I look up at Chisaki, "I hope you can forgive my daughter heroes, I don't know what she's doing, always bumping into things," He smiles down at me, "No problem, it was our fault too, we weren't looking around our surroundings. Hey, I recognise that mask, you're from the Hasaikai, right? You're pretty famous around here!" Karma comes up to me bending down to the girl's height, "Adorable daughter!" He pets her head, I see her face, she's about to cry, she doesn't want to leave us, Nagisa and Kaede knew what we were doing, Mirio and Izuku weren't sure what to do, they were frozen. "Yeah, please don't mind the mask, it keeps out the filth," His tone of voice changed at the end, we need to wrap this up, "Well, sorry for this little bump, you better go back to your dad huh...?" I look down at the girl asking for her name, "Her name's Eri," Chisaki replies, "Adorable name too!" Karma comments, she holds even tighter, she doesn't want to go with this guy, I try to pry her off, "Well... come on Eri, us heroes need to get going too! After all, we need to look out for everyone!" I give her a thumbs-up, I hold her shoulder, planting an invisible tracker on her dress, Chisaki grabs her arm and walks away, "Sorry again for the trouble, you shouldn't have been involved in our family dramas, have a good day," He walks off, Karma and I wave, "Take care!" Perfect, he didn't expect a thing.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT??!!" Mirio asked us, I stand up, "Chisaki didn't expect a thing, if we prayed into their 'family life' he would only get more suspicious, besides," I pull out the transmitter, "I have a little birdy keeping tabs for me." I smirk, "Wow! When'd you do that?!" Izuku asks lighting up, "She did it at the end when she put her hand on Eri's shoulder, it was discrete, only if you knew Yuki was putting it on would you notice," Nagisa replies, "Wow, that's some skill you guys have." Mirio mutters, "We better report back, you need to go back to Sir while we need to report back as well, see you guys!" Kaede shouts as we part ways, "Wow, what's the luck we'd just find the guy just on the streets," Karma puts his hands behind his head, "I know right, that's like a needle in a haystack, Eri, she was trembling, bad. She had bandages all over her arms and legs, they looked semi-fresh too, who knows that the Shie Hasaikai are doing to her," I mutter, we head over to HQ to report back to dad, "You what?!" He slams the table, we sweatdrop, "Yeah Mr K, We just so happened to bump into the guy, luck huh?" Karma grins, "Talk about stupid luck, what did you do?" I slide the transmitter over his eyes widen, "Come on dad, expect more from your very own daughter!" I chuckle, "Pass this information to the other agencies Ryukyu, Fatgum and Sir Nighteye, I'll pass it onto other pro heroes we'll be working with." We nod and walk out. We go agency to agency passing spare transmitters, "Thank you, we've got some new intel as well," We look up at Fatgum, "During Red Riot's debut, there was a low-level thug that launched a bullet, it hit him however didn't harm him due to his quirk. One thing was for sure though, it stopped quirks, it was a drug that managed to stop quirks entirely, we presume it's only a prototype, they are probably making more and perfecting it to the point where quirks can be completely erased!" We gasp, "And that's not all, we analysed it and guess what it was comprised of... Human blood and cells," Our eyes widen, "That means in other words, this bullet came from someone, someone's quirk was probably concentrated into that bullet, a quirk that can destroy quirks." Nagisa says while writing it down in his notebook, "WAIT!" I stand up, we were given access into a conference along with Mirio, Izuku and the other pros who were involved, everyone turns to me, "Think about it, Chisaki, his quirk is Overhaul, he can completely destroy matter, when we saw Eri, her arms and legs were covered in bandages, I can only assume, but think about it. If it were possible, can he be using her body as bullets, what if Eri's quirk is possibly erasing quirks or turning time back so far, that when injected, it turns a human body back to the time before quirks had manifested?" Everyone's eyes were wide, "Karasuma has a point, that could be a valid and solid reason or suspect." Sir Nighteye touches his glasses, "I've gathered everyone who is involved with this investigation because I have a proposal," Nighteye looks up, "The pros and I have talked over this, we want to break into the Yakuza and take Eri back," We were shocked, "Karasuma, Akabane, Kayano, Shiota, you are to continue with this investigation as you aren't partnered with the school, the ministry of defence have strongly advised us to keep you on the team, however, Uraraka, Mirio, Midoriya, Kirishima, Asui, Amajiki and Hado, you are on stand-by," Sir continues, they sigh in defeat. It was difficult, we were constantly conducting our research and investigation while having strict orders not to say a word about our work-studies, it was especially hard on those who were on stand-by, I know how it feels to be left out of an operation, "Hey Kirishima, don't feel down, I know what's on your mind, cheer up." I put a hand on his shoulder he smiles, "Your right! We could have a last-minute miracle! But aren't you guys lucky, you're still included." He rubs the back of his head, "Kirishima, Uraraka, Asui, Midoriya, we need to have a chat, Yuki, Karma, Kayano, Nagisa, you can come listen, it involves you guys too." Mr Aizawa grabs us to a different room, "The Big Three are able to hold it out to themselves, they're equal to the pros. But the rest of you will be minimally involved, excluding those four. Kirishima, Asui, Uraraka, you didn't put your hand up to participate, you aren't obligated, it's your call." Ochako stands up, "Mr Aizawa- I mean Eraserhead! After hearing what we heard, I can't not help Sir!" Tsu touches her lip, "Yeah, if you're allowing us to pitch in, I would like to help as much as I can! Ribbit." Kirishima smashes his fists together, "If I can use my power to help that girl, even a little bit, then count me in Eraserhead!" Mr Aizawa sighs, "Ok then, if you understand, out scope here is limited, for now, our only goal is to save Eri, we won't step in further than that. We also need to thank Yuki, if it weren't for her and that tracking device she put on Eri. We would be lightyears away from finding the location," I smile at them, "We also believe that the League of Villains and the Shie Hasakai has formed a partnership," Mr Aizawa continues, so it's possible the league will be involved in this raid. If they appear, you guys are out." Izuku, Ochako, Tsu and Kirishima nod, "Understood Sir!" 

We head out to Lunchrush cafeteria, Karma and I grab our food and sit down, thoughts run through my head, "Hey what's wrong? Aren't you gonna eat?" Mina scootches over, I nod, "Think about it Peaches, just think of it as a normal assassination, just minus the killing, we can do this." I turn over and look at Karma, "You bastards, you're lucky you get to be included in this investigation or whatever your dad's put together!" Bakugou screams, "Hey turn it down a notch, the entire school doesn't need to know," Karma scowls at him, "YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT??!! HUH?!" Karma just rolls his eyes and we continue eating, but I wasn't feeling the appetite "Huh, not eating Yuki? Ever since your dad's assigned that so-called mission for you guys, you've seemed a little tense, depressed it I really push it." Mina was stuffing her face, I look down, "Not feeling hungry I guess, it's kinda got me pent up, I mean, she's only Kota's age, maybe even younger," Karma realises I'm about to cry he hugs me letting me bury my face into his blazer, he pets my head, "I know," Mina has an evil look on her face, "Oooh! Kota again! You two really have a liking to that kid? Family construct??" She wiggles her eyebrows I let out a giggle, "You really know how to make me smile huh Mina?" I laugh, "Yes! Mission Accomplished!" I smile at her and begin eating my lunch, this is going to be one big mission, let's go save Eri!

In the middle of the night, around 12 am to 1 am our phones buzz, giving a notification I read it, my eyes widen. I run down to the common room, Kirishima, Tsu, Ochako, Nagisa and Kaede were there, Karma was just running down too, "So you guys got it too?" Kirishima asks we nod, "We got it," Tsu replies, we go outside and see Mirio, Hado and Amajiki there too, we all nod and get a good nights rest, ready for the next day. We quickly changed into our costumes and uniforms ready to raid the place, "We already worked with the police to get a warrant to search the place! Next up!" Bubble Girl throws a peace sign, "Is to barge in there!" Fatgum finishes, Nighteye managed to use foresight on a possible Hasaikai member, he was correct, he saw a sequence he had to complete to get to Eri, we had enough of the piece put together to make this raid possible, "Let's get em' tiger!" I smirk at Karma, "So I guess remembered that I took dibs on Mr Tiger," He grins I giggle.

We get passed print-outs describing the Hasaikai's stronghold, I get Ritsu to quickly scan it so she can give us check-ups if needed, "Wow, all the pros seem so calm, including Karma, Yuki, Nagisa and Kayano! So cool!" Kirishima says, "What can we say, we're experienced in this stuff, this is where we shine." Kaede answers, "Sir! If possible, can we give everyone who is participating in this raid, an earpiece, it connects straight to each other and has full access to an AI created by the government, she can help us greatly, her name is Ristu." I put my hand up, "Very well, pass the out." I quickly pass everyone an earpiece "Heroes, things could get violent quickly out there, if you sense even a hint of suspicious activity or resistance. Please, call or reinforcements! We're facing gangsters who have evaded capture and escaped until now, it is imperative that you all work on your respective assignments and stay sharp in there!" The chief of police tell us, we nod "We shall begin the operation at 0800 hours!" He salutes us, we were ready for battle, let's do this and go save Eri!

We arrive at the estate, as the chief was just about to press the doorbell, a huge guy wearing that mask bursts out, power-up quirk must be, "Look out!" Karma grabs me and pulls me into him, Izuku quickly speeds and grabs an officer who was just about to get hit, "You are ok sir?" He asks, "I'll be fine," he replies, "What do you want? It's too early for visitors," the big guys asks, "Oh man! How do they know we're already here?" Rock n' Lock asks, "No time for questions! Let's go!" A hero pulls his hair and forms a sword, neat quirk, "That's good, I'm waking up a little," The guy who reminds me of muscular powers up his quirk again, making his muscles larger, "Wow, this guy puts my big guns to shame~" Karma flexes his biceps I laugh, "Even at a time like this, you still crack a joke, oh Karma, you'll never change," He smirks, "Brace yourselves!" Ryukyu goes in front of some officers and transforms into her Dragon Form, "Listen! We shouldn't split up our numbers too much in the beginning, the Ryukyu agency will take care of this guy! The rest of you go!" She smashes him on the ground, Ochako, Tsu and Hado support Ryukyu, good luck guys, "You heard her! Everyone move!" Fatgum was directing everyone into the building, three thugs come up, Karma, Nagisa and I run up before they have the chance to use their quirks and we zap them with our stun guns, "Woah! Who are these kids anyway? They were so fast, they were there in a blink of an eye?!" Rock n' Lock says astonished at our speed, "Quickest route, let's go!" Fatgum shouts, "Hey Ritsu, mind giving us the directions?" Kaede touches her earpiece, "Of course!" She tells us the directions everyone was shocked at how powerful Ritsu was, she was no ordinary AI. Let's do this!

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