Chapter 15: Secrets

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I made both of us some upma while Shaurya dozed off peacefully on my bed. I gave him a little shake and he woke up and he was still naked. He pulled me closer and I fell on top of him.

"Shaurya..wh.." his hazel eyes pierced through my eyes. My hands were on his chest. He was so firm. Man, the TV drama was actually happening in my life. I really felt caught in the moment at that time.

"This would've been so much fun if you were naked.." He laughed hysterically. My face burned red. I cleared my throat getting up.

"I've made us some breakfast. So we eat and you talk..." I said and went downstairs. After a while, he joined me too and he was still not wearing a t-shirt. He hopped on a chair and clapped his hands like a child.

"Oh boy! I am famished" He said sniffing at the food. He ate a mouthful.

"This is delicious..."

"Glad you liked it.." I smiled. Because I was dead worried.

"You're a perfect woman..." He said eating another spoonful.

"Talk..." I said looking at me.

"Oh you're pretty, you're smart, you're a sportswoman, you're a bitch and a great cook" He said smiling.

I stuck my stare at him. He rolled his eyes and there we were serious once again.

"You can't help me out of this.." He said resting back on his chair.

"You leave that to me..." I said. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Just tell me okay.... it's fine" I said reassuring him. I bet a shiver ran down his spine, he shook a little and gulped in a glass of water.

"My father holds a powerful position in the army but besides that he.." Shaurya stammered and looked down his hands shook.

"He's an underworld mafia and he wants me to be like him" He looked away, he sighed painfully. I listened to him very seriously.

"Just tell him you don't want that.." I said softly.

"You don't know how it works among the mafias. They must have a heir of their own bloodline" He said. "I tell him I want a normal life. I want to go school, I want to have friends... and..and this is what he gives me..." A tear drop rolled down his cheek.

"My mom tries to stop him but he beats her too. He blames her for the way I've become, the way I've grown up. That he's ashamed. I lie on the floor half dead, I see him torturing mom. I only wish to save her...but I don't know how" His body was shaking with continuous sobs. I sat stone still.

"She says we can't go anywhere.."

I jumped to hug him tight. I could feel his body trembling. I wiped his tears and he looked at me. I hold his neck from the back and kissed him softly. He closed his eyes. It tasted so sweet. I broke off but our noses were still touching.

"I will help you..." I whispered softly.

"No.." he pushed me back gently.

"No offense but if he was a good father, he would have kept you away from the darkness and not force you near it..." I said.

"You don't know the things they do.." He said. "He has the police under his control too..."

"My dad is friends with many high ranking and honest police officers..." I told him. "Look all we need is a concrete evidence. I am sure he can be arrested under the charge of domestic violence.." I said. I knew a little about this stuff.

"Like a video..." I said snapping my fingers.

"And how am I supposed to make a video genius?" He said confused.

"You don't have to...." I said smiling.

"What, are you going to do something stupid?"

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