Chapter 12

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Sophie’s POV

I am a dancer and I have been since I was three. I never wanted to be dance captain but since Danielle left for Superstar Dance Academy I have been appointed. I tried to refuse but the rest of the team voted for me. We have auditions for the two places left in our troupe.

I dance for Elite Dance Academy and we are going to Nationals in five weeks. It is the 29th of November and Nationals starts 7th of January. We got told yesterday that each team needs nine members and we had eight. Then Danielle dropped the bombshell that she was going to be dancing with a rival studio and we now need two new team mates so close to Nationals.

Here we have three troupes or dance groups. The top troupe is A-troupe which is the one I am dance-captain of. We are the only troupe here that goes to competitions. Then we have B-troupe, C-troupe and occasionally D-troupe if we have lots of dancers which we don’t at the minute. Below that there are classes for the younger dancers before they want to in a troupe.

I watch all the people come in. As the dance-captain I have the job of choosing the new dancers as Mary, the owner, says that she thinks that I should choose since I will be the one choreographing the new routine. That is the bit I am most worried about because I never choreographed.

I see a girl that I don’t recognise. We have a rule that only the people from B or C troupe can audition for A-troupe, you have to move up the ranks. We are an extremely competitive studio and we don’t just let random people walk in from the street and audition.

‘Hello, my name is Sophie and I am the dance captain of A-troupe. When I call your name I may ask you a few questions and then you have three minutes to impress me and prove that you deserve to be in A-troupe. I will announce who will be the new A-troupe members at the end’ I told them.

The new girl is sixth on the list. By the time I get to her I haven’t seen anyone amazing but one person that wouldn’t be too bad.

‘What is your name?’ I asked.

‘Riley Daniels’ she said.

‘You do realise that you shouldn’t be here. We don’t let random people walk in off the street and dance for us because if we did then everyone would be here’ I snapped.

‘Oh, well I have been here since I was three. I think I’m not some random person’ she responded.

‘And you have to part of B or C troupe’ I told her.

‘I don’t care. I am here to audition’

‘Well, then how about you go and audition for someone that actually wants you’

‘I have dealt with so much shit in the last few weeks. You aren’t going to break me and I’m here to audition whether you want me to or not’

I walked forward and hugged her which surprised her.

‘I’m sorry, I’m not usually like this’ I said.

‘Don’t worry. You have just lost you best-friend and you don’t want to be dance captain’ she said.

‘How do you know?’ I asked.

‘I can see it in your eyes and I have just lost my best friend too’

‘I feel like everything she told me was a lie’

‘I know. Anyway, I’m ready to dance’ she smirked.

I didn’t ask what type of dancer she is but I would guess a ballet dancer or contemporary dancer which is a cross between hip-hop and ballet. She stood on the centre and started. It was amazing watching her. She has a very unique style of contemporary and break-dancing. She managed to do tricks that I have never seen before. Once she finished I realised that she is a dancer that I want and need in A-troupe.

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