Chapter 12: Adventures On Earth

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Suddenly, the doors to the room opened and in came lots of Skrulls from different directions. We knew we couldn't take all of them with our hands still bound, so we decided to take the easy way out for once. We ran. 

Noticing Vers didn't have any boots on her feet anymore, I looked down at my own. I hadn't even noticed I had no shoes on. 'I think we forgot something', I yelled while we were running around frantically, trying to find a way out. 

'What?', she yelled back. I pointed to her feet when she looked over at me. 'We'll have go back for those', she said when she too realized she was barefoot. 

We turned left, into another corridor, but saw it was a dead end. Turning back around, we were already surrounded by Skrulls trying to prevent us from fleeing. 

I looked at Vers, she nodded at me. We had to fight our way out of this one. 'You wouldn't know how these things come off, would ya?', she asked the aliens surrounding us, shaking her hands in front of her body. When none of the others reacted, she just continued. 'No? Fine.'

She started knocking them out with her hands, mowing them down a few at a time. Man this woman could do a lot more than I was aware of. Now I was wondering what else she could do that I didn't know about. 

Taking the Skrulls at my right side, I was struggling a bit more than Vers. I didn't have super strength like she did, only my powers. However, these Skrulls didn't seem to be trained very well. That was my luck really. 

At one point, I heard her scream back at one that yelled in her face. I swear, she was the most immature mature person I had ever known. When she finished her enemies off, she looked around, impressed by her own fighting and turned around to me, where I was still sparring with two. 'Need some help over there?', she asked with a smile in her voice.

'Nope, no, thank you, I got it', I said quickly. But she helped anyway, knocking the first one into the second one, making them go down. I glared at her. 

'What? You looked like you needed some help', she said innocently. 

'I really hate you', I joked, turning around. She laughed before running away again. I followed her, because she clearly knew her way around the ship better than me. She ran back to the room we were held in and pushed the button next to the door with her foot. I raised my eyebrows at her. 

'What? My hands are still stuck.' I wanted to say something back when the door opened and a really big soldier came out. Like, really big. He was almost two feet taller than Vers.

She hit him twice, but that seemed to have no effect on him, so he raised his axe and tried hitting her in the head. She put her hands up above her head just in time to catch it. Two other Skrulls came at her with electric sticks. I could stop one in time, but the other shocked her and put her down on the ground. While she crawled away from him, she tried to get her restraints off by using her powers, but nothing seemed to work. 

Finally, when the big one came very close to her, she managed to break them and shoot them at his head. The tab behind her ear went crazy with the amount of power she was using and she sat up quickly, beaming at her glowing hands and celebrating her freedom. Standing up again, she was finally ready to take on the others, but what she hadn't noticed is that her power outburst caused the room to be destroyed. I walked to her hurryingly. I wouldn't be able to hold on to something if we were sucked into space, because my hands were still bound.

Suddenly, the wall broke and the vacuum of the room was lost. Everything that wasn't stuck to the walls or floor was being sucked out. And that included us. Vers grabbed a pole she was standing next to with one hand and grabbed my arm with the other. We were seriously screwed now. 

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