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Hannah: you're not in Econ, you okay?

Me: I'm fine, I'm at the store buying flowers for tonight

Hannah: want me to take a picture of the notes and the assignment for you?

Me: I already got them from Mr. Brooks, I got them before I left the school

Hannah: let me know if you need me to do anything before you get back.

I looked through the selection of flowers in the cooler and couldn't decide on a color of roses. Our school colors are blue, black, and gold, so maybe yellow roses would be the best option. I looked between all of the roses for a few more minutes before I grabbed yellow and white roses. I returned to the school with the flowers just before the bell rang to release everyone from last period, so I went straight to the gym. I set all of the roses and the supplies on the bleachers and took a seat. With all of the forms from the players, I tied a ribbon around each bundle of flowers for each player. For example, Hannah is getting four flowers because Chandler, Zach, and both of her parents are escorting her out tonight. For me, I'm getting three, because I only put down my mom down to escort me, but I wanted one for my dad and my brother anyway. I decided that JV would get white roses and Varsity is going to get the yellow ones. Yellow and red roses have always been my favorite, so I'm being a little selfish, but that's okay since I bought them.

Once all of the roses were divided up and bundled, I wrote down the name of the player on the small card that was attached to the ribbon.

"Hey, you're back," Hannah smiled at me as she walked into the gym.

"Yeah, I just finished dividing the flowers. Who's bringing dinner tonight?" I asked.

"Coach is supposed to, he'll probably be here soon. You staying here?"

"Yeah, I have to write up the order that everyone is supposed to be walked out. Are you going home?"

"No, Andrew and I are going to stay here. He wants to help set up," Hannah explained.

"Awesome. Just give me a minute to write this up and then we can set up the gym."

I wrote out the lists, JV and Varsity, and set the lists with the flowers on the stage at the side of the gym so they'd be out of the way. Andrew helped us pull out all of the bleachers and set up all of the chairs. We finished just before coach got here with dinner.

Both teams met up in the cafeteria to eat the dinner coach brought. He made the same cheesy speech about parenthood and hard work that he makes every year before we could eat.

After dinner, there was about an hour and a half until JV would start playing. Which means that people will probably be showing up soon. The JV team went to the locker room to start getting ready for the game while Hannah and I went to set up the net. I don't know what the rest of our team was doing, but I usually don't know that anyway.

"How do you do this every day?" Hannah panted, "these poles are heavy."

"Baby," I laughed.

We finished setting up the nets and saw people started to file in and claim seats in the bleachers.

"Myra," someone asked from behind me, "can you help us warm up? Coach is talking to the refs."

"Yeah, sure," I smiled at Caroline from the JV team.

I lead them through basic stretches and started having them warm up on passing until their coach came to take over. The only thing I don't like about parent's night is that we have to wait so long to play. I like watching JV, but I'd much rather be playing.

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