The beginning

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"Just because you're alive doesn't mean you aren't dead aurelia"Athena, my mother whispered morbidly, her usually sunlit hazel eyes dull and empty signaling the end.

At the tender age of only 14, I felt true hatred, as I gazed into my mother's eyes finding not even the slightest semblance of regret for leaving me with no one.

sadness embraced me, as hatred coddled my broken heart.


Three years has come and gone since mother was laid to rest, in the end, she gave up. A year before her death she was diagnosed with breast cancer, the doctors had caught mother's cancer at the very Begining and all would have been well having she not denied chemotherapy.

She was a coward.

I never did cry or plead when she made the selfish decision, I instead stood by her until she ceased to be.

Three months before mother's death she started ranting on and on about how she hated mythical creatures that basically lived above us and deemed themselves superiors to us, humans. Mother hated them, hated that they treated us like the animals we truly were.

Truthfully humans werent very different from these monsters the one true difference evident was that they owned their monstrosity.

Mother would never hear it though because she believed humans were gods amongst these 'abominations" which I agreed too so she didn't waste energy trying to argue with me, I listened keenly to her rambles and warnings but never truly hearing them.

After mother's death, I was sent to a  Bridge-hall orphanage where I spent the remainder of my dreary childhood enduring the cold loss of a mother no child should ever know.

This however was my beginning.

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