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One year later

Aurelia blinked groggily, the bright Greek sunlight piercing through her eyelids. She rubbed her temples, trying to shake off the lingering fatigue from the previous night's activities. She knew exactly where she was - the Hotel Olympia, a charming establishment in the heart of Athens. The memory of the previous night came flooding back - the hotel lobby, the desk hostess, the intense conversation... Oh dear gods, what had she done?

She swore it was the last time only days ago sighing heavily she sat up, her head spinning, and looked around. She was in her small, tastefully decorated room, with a gentle breeze carrying the scent of fresh lemons and the sound of distant waves. Aurelia's gaze landed on the woman sleeping peacefully beside her, a soft smile on her lips.

Sura was sprawled across the bed, her dark hair splayed out like a fan. Aurelia couldn't help but admire the gentle curves of Sura's body, the soft rise and fall of her back as she breathed.

Sura wasn't a plan, but I got lonely and wanted company, and for the past couple of week, she's been my company, sneaking about as if we were children.

Feeling a flush rise to her cheeks, Aurelia quickly looked away and focused on the task at hand: getting out of bed and finding a much-needed bath. Her body ached from the previous night's emotional turmoil, and the thought of soaking in a warm tub was heavenly.

She made her way to the bathroom, the cool tiles a welcome relief under her feet. Turning on the faucet, Aurelia sank into the tub with a sigh of relief, letting the warm water envelop her weary body. As she closed her eyes and let the steam rise around her, she couldn't help but wonder what the fuck she was really doing here.

It's been 4 weeks and though I've enjoyed Athens greatly I knew it was time to move on since I never did like settling one place too long after living in Cardiff.

Greece, where my mother fled after her heart was shattered by my father's departure. His betrayal still echoed in her unopened letters, returned to sender for six long years.

The life she spoke of was a distant dream, a serene facade hiding the pain that still tugged at her like the moon's pull on the tides. I inherited his features, a constant reminder of the man, she could never love me like she loved him.

I sighed, gazing at the lone plant on the windowsill, wondering why I was here, in the place where they had lived their best lives, without me. Fueled by anger and regret my decision to leave came rashly, but the thrill of new adventures lulled me into a peaceful zen state.

I walk back into the room, the warmth of the tub still clinging to my skin. The first thing i notice was the bed, neatly made with crisp white sheets and a fluffy comforter. My heart skipped a beat as I spot a piece of paper on the pillow, a cute note scrawled in Sura's handwriting. I approach the bed, my feet sinking into the plush white carpet, and pick up the note. It read: "Good morning, beautiful! Had to run some errands but will be back soon. I'll see you for breakfast💕."

I smiled softly until I realized Sura has no idea I'm planning to leave again. I felt a pang of guilt and sadness, knowing I'll probably be breaking her heart soon. The room seems to dim, the bright Greek sunlight now muted by the shadow of my impending departure. I took a deep breath, the scent of fresh linens and Sura's perfume filling your lungs, and steel myself for the difficult conversation ahead.

I dressed in my favorite outfit - an off-white bear sweater and ripped black jean jumpsuit - and grabbed my trusty duffel bag, ready to drop off the keys and start anew.

As I stepped into the lobby, Sura's piercing gaze met mine, her dark brown eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. Her slender figure towered over the desk, her confident stance accentuating her toned legs and curves.

The scent of fresh lavender and citrus wafted from her perfume, transporting me back to our passionate nights together. My heart skipped a beat as her full lips curled into a sly smile, her nose crinkling with amusement. "Aurelia, what a surprise," she purred, her voice husky and seductive.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I approached the desk, fidgeting with the keys in my hand. "Just dropping off the keys, Sura," I whispered, trying to sound nonchalant despite the flutter in my chest. Her eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing as she sensed something was off.

"Fuck" I thought hating the way her eyes dulled instantly.

"But we...I thought..." she trailed off, her voice laced with confusion and hurt. I cut her off before she could say more, my words tumbling out in a rush.

"No strings attached, remember? Just fun. You really were amazing sura." I whispered the last part softly. Her eyes clouded, her face pale as she nodded stiffly.

"Right," she whispered, her voice barely audible. With nothing left to say I turned to leave, the sound of the door chimes echoing through the lobby as I stepped out slightly into the bright sunlight. Sura's soft voice suddenly entwined with the breeze whispering almost like a sirens song. "Don't forget me."

I slightly towards Sura's direction smiling softly at the rare beauty then acknowledging her statement "Sura you truly are unforgettable love".

She smiled sadly peering down.

I heard her sigh as I continued walking through the silver chiming door to my next adventure.

Hey guys best imagine i could find to describe but her eyes are way browner like that of chocolate. Thanks for the read🤎

 Thanks for the read🤎

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