xvi- black haired beauty

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REMUS AVOIDED Sirius' gaze as Sirius ranted on about how Remus didn't even tell Jessica what her own mother's freaking name was

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REMUS AVOIDED Sirius' gaze as Sirius ranted on about how Remus didn't even tell Jessica what her own mother's freaking name was.

"I wouldn't have told her about you either, but of course, she found out that one soon enough on her own." Remus said quietly.

"Remus, why would you do that? Why didn't you tell Jessica? Why didn't you tell her about Rose?" Sirius asked.

"Rose, that's a pretty name." Jessica said aloud.

"I'm sorry, but Sirius I couldn't trust myself to say anything. I was broken enough as it is, thinking that you killed James and Lily, but how could I tell Jessica that her own dad killed her mother. That was just cruel. It was better to just keep my mouth shut." Remus said.

"You know what, just let it go, you two. Arguing will take us nowhere, what's done is done. But just please tell me now." Jessica said.

Sirius grabbed a stool, and sat on it, on a steady level meeting Jessica's eyes, "Your mother was a beautiful woman. She had gorgeous red hair, emerald green eyes, and her name, her name was Rose Evans."

   Evans, Evans, Evans. Jessica spun the name around in her mind. Where had she heard that name before? Where — wait, oh god.

"So, you're saying that my mother was related to Harry's mother?" Jessica asked slowly.

"Bingo!" Sirius chuckled.

"It was kind of cute you know. Sirius and James were like brothers, and Lily and Rose were sisters. Both of them basically married the same person." Remus grinned.

"James and I were pretty similar, but Rose and Lily were definitely not." Sirius said, "She was a Marauder."

"You mean, she's Caniche?" Jessica asked excitedly, "Was she an Animagus too?"

"Yep, and guess what animal she was? A dog, we were soulmates I tell you. She was a Poodle, I was a dog. James was a stag, Lily was a doe. It was meant to be." Sirius grinned.

"She was a trouble maker?" Jessica asked.

"She had us all beat." Sirius admitted, "She was like the mastermind of the group. She came up with the most brilliant of the brilliant plans."

"You said that Remus was with someone too, who was it?" Jessica asked.

"Dorcas Meadows, the pretty Ravenclaw." Sirius chuckled, elbowing Remus who was red in the face.

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