18 - Unwanted Guests

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After a lengthy period of rumbling through sand dunes, Zane ordered a halt of the Land Bounty.

Nya was quick to hit the brakes, and the ninja turned to Zane for confirmation.

"I believe this is it. But there is no civilisation here, or camp of any sort," He said, looking around through the window.

Jay opened the door and hopped outside.
"Maybe if we search around by foot. There has to be something. Nindroids are pretty much never wrong."

The six heroes stepped out onto the red burning sand. The sun was at high noon above them, beating down rays of inescapable heat.

Cole scoffed and turned back to the rest of the group.
"Are you sure you got those coordinates right? 'Coz there's nothing here but a bunch of rocks." He complained.

"Ha, I'd never thought I'd ever hear the Master of Earth complain about rocks!" Kai taunted.

Whilst the banter emerged between the boys, Nya quickly hushed them down and pointed something out.

"Take a look at that rock guys. The one between the two giant pillars."

"Yeah, what about it?" Lloyd asked, puzzled.

Nya walked over through the sand closer to the boulder. Her hand hovered over its surface.

"There's a marking. A circle. Just like..."

"Marcus' tattoo!" Lloyd exclaimed. "Does that mean we're close? Are we going the right way?"

"Maybe we're already on the right way." Nya said, slowly reaching her hand to touch the rock, but it unexpectedly went right through. 

"Mirage, anyone?" Jay said, smirking as if he was the one who found the entrance. 

The six ninja cautiously walked through the circle marking and reappeared on the other side, face to face with a huge hidden city. They all gaped at the marvellous scenery but were suddenly halted by a large tough-looking guard. The guard was dressed in dark leather and he towered over the ninja. 

"Stop, intruders. Who are you? State your business." He asked in a gruff voice. His outstretched hand blocked the six teenagers from walking any further. An awkward silence came across them, with the ninja exchanging confused looks. Eventually, Zane stepped forward and spoke for the team. 

"We are from Ninjago. We're looking for our friend - all of our clues had lead us to this place." 

The towering guard squinted his eyes at them, making them slightly uncomfortable. 

"Ninjago, huh? The Emperor had warned me of any people arriving from Ninjago..." He quickly ordered a few other guards to his side, each grasping an incredibly sharp spear. They surrounded the ninja in a threatening manner, forcing them to lower their ninja weapons. 

"Uh oh." Kai whispered. "Looks like we aren't welcome here." 

"Seize them until further notice." The man ordered. The ninja weren't quick to react and decided not to resist, only to prevent any unnecessary violence from emerging.

Very soon, the guards swiftly escorted the intruders to a nearby hill, where a large stone building stood, overviewing most of the mysterious city. The handcuffs on each of their wrists shackled as they followed the guards up to the gate. A dusty sign hung over the gate, saying 'Azure Valley Detainment Centre'. 

"So this place is called Azure Valley?" Jay asked the guard in a small voice. The gruff-voiced man nodded, and led the six ninja into a dim cell. 

"You are required to stay here until the ceremony is over - there will be no intruders interrupting Azure Valley's most important event." One of the security guards announced. 

"Ceremony? We're just trying to find our friend! We don't want to interrupt any ceremony!" Lloyd argued. 

"The Emperor demands that any visitors specifically from Ninjago are contained - those were our orders." The man responded in a monotone voice and walked away from the cell. 

"Well this sucks." Cole crossed his arms in hopelessness. "We come in peace but the Emperor decides he just doesn't like people from Ninjago!" 

Lloyd turned to his team. "Guys, we can't give up now. We have to break out of here - we can't waste any more time." 

"What if Jupiter's somewhere in one of these cells?" Kai suggested. He tried to look out from beyond the cell bars at the other cells but there was no sign of any lilac ninja. 

"I doubt that. If Axel took her, then he must have taken her for a reason." Nya thought out loud. "I think we should just lay low until this ceremony is over, so we don't cause any more trouble." 

"So you're saying we should just sit here? Who knows how long that ceremony will last." Jay said. He sat on the cold dirty floor. 

Silence fell over the small dark cell. Outside, the sun was beginning to descend, and the sky turned into a serene shade of orange.

After a while, Lloyd peeped outside the cell bars at one of the security guards. The man noticed the green ninja glaring at him and proceeded to consult him. 

"What is it?" The man questioned in a dull tone.  

"I was just wondering what this whole ceremony you guys were talking about is." Lloyd stated. 

The security guard paused for a few seconds before speaking again. 

"It's a coronation. The Emperor is passing his throne to the new Empress. Azure Valley has been waiting for this night for decades." 

"Oh, I see. Who's the Emperor of Azure Valley? Or should I say who was?"

"You mean Emperor Axel? Yeah, he was a great leader for this sub-realm. Made friends with a lot of strange people though." 

Almost instantly, the other ninja jumped up beside Lloyd and listened in with their conversation. 

"Did you say Emperor Axel? He's the leader here?" Kai blurted. 

"Yeah, he was. That's why we're having this ceremony. A traditional way to welcome a new leader. Now pipe down." The guard said sharply. He wandered away from the ninja, who were all up on their feet. 

Kai turned to the rest of his cellmates. "If Axel was the Emperor...and he took Jupiter...and there's a coronation...that doesn't mean..." 

Nya looked at her brother, eyes wide with shock. 

"I think it does!"

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