14 - A New Place

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"Azure Valley? Is this your home?" Jupiter asked as she tentatively followed Axel. They weaved in and out of the busy paths; street vendors yelled from every direction, small children ran up and down streets and every building was decorated in extravagant flowers and lights. It was a charming and exotic atmosphere, despite the analytical looks Jupiter received as she walked past. People briefly stopped what they were doing and glanced at the ninja walking past, whispering to the people next to them.

"Yes, this is where I am from. I'm sure you have many questions." Axel said.

"Uh, of course I have questions! You kidnapped me!" Jupiter exclaimed back. She continued to follow the man into what seemed like the glorious palace she saw from the rock. Guards dressed in dignified armour stood by the large wooden gates. Axel nodded at them and they immediately opened the gates, allowing them to pass. The giant palace was made of stone and gold, with steps of marble flowing from the main entrance.

Once inside, Axel lead the ninja to a elegant dining room. He sat down at one of the tables.

"I apologise once again for- uh- kidnapping you. It was the only way." Axel said, pushing a plate of fruit towards Jupiter.

She sighed and responded, "It's alright - I'm over it now. This town seems like a beautiful place to live." She paused. "Now, can you please tell me who you are and what is all this?" She raised her arms, indicating to her surroundings.

"Of course, I definitely owe you an explanation." He clapped his hands briskly and a kind maid emerged from the halls with two cups of water. She gazed at Jupiter and smiled. Jupiter waved shyly back.

Axel cleared his throat from the other end of the table. "Thank you." The maid then immediately left the room.

Jupiter examined the cup of water suspiciously and quickly looked at Axel.

"Don't worry, it's water. I assume you have the same thing in Ninjago." He said flatly.

She took a sip quietly. Yep, that's water, she thought.

"Okay, NOW can you please tell me what's going on?" She started, impatience in her voice.

"Yes." He said from the other side of the table.

"You see, Azure Valley is connected to Ninjago: It is a sub-realm, like a hidden extension of Ninjago. The two rock pillars is the entrance, hidden from the eyes of outsiders." He sipped some of his water.

"This sub-realm is not as large as Ninjago, so upon it, our ancestors built one city and called it Azure Valley. Here we have traditional morals; we are a tight-knit community whom look to the stars for guidance."

"The stars?" Jupiter interrupted, intrigued.

Axel nodded. "From a young age, we are taught how to read the stars, constellations and the science behind them."

"That's amazing," Jupiter whispered. "Has that got something to do with the tattoo on your hand?"

"Yes; you mentioned Marcus earlier; he's my younger brother. We are both descendants of Azurians, so we both wear a circle tattoo, in remembrance of what this city was built upon. Here you will find many people with a circle marking. Those who don't are former outsiders, individuals who left their own realms in search for a more comforting one." He explained.

"Okay, but what was Marcus' deal? Why did he storm into Ninjago News' Studio with a gun? Do you guys have guns here?" Jupiter asked - Axel was finally giving the answers she needed. No trouble and no violence involved. It seemed like she could trust him, but she wasn't entirely ready to put her life into his hands yet.

"Ah. Well, long story short, I offered my younger brother Marcus a deal: If he managed to find Ninjago City and find you, I'd give him his own fortune. He wasn't prepared to leave the palace without enough money."

Jupiter looked around the dining room - it was adorned with bountiful ornaments, gold against stone. She had only seen the halls of this palace and was surprisingly keen to explore the rest of this newfound sub-realm. Curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"So you both live here? Is this you and your brother's palace?" She inquired. Her eyes were wide with astonishment.

"It was."

"Oh - What happened? Whose is it now?"

"Well," Axel started, matter-of-factly. "It's yours."

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