The chronicle of N&W part 8

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Nico's POV

Will and I didn't Iris Message each other for a while. Conflicting schedules and schoolwork constantly mixed up our meetings, until we eventually gave up to an extent. Chiron had summer classes that year-long campers could take so that we weren't completely clueless about English, math, science, and history, but luckily, I could just skip all history lessons pertaining to World War II. I could remember those days perfectly well without being taught again, thank you very much. But there wasn't a day where Will wasn't on my mind at least once. It was getting quite irritating, actually. I shouldn't be so dependent on someone. For Hades' sake, I'm the Ghost King. I should walk alone. Should. But I don't.

On Valentine's Day, I nearly passed out shadow traveling to Will's house again. He was home alone, so we had the entire evening for watching The Fault in Our Stars. It was a bit sad, sure, but I had no emotional connection. Huh, I must be dead inside after all. Will was blubbering like a baby, though he refuses to admit it. And that was all we had- one evening consisting of us gorging on boxes of chocolate while watching a movie that did little for me in terms of life lessons. Infinities cannot be bigger than other infinities, because all infinities are infinite. People die, even if you love them. It's not like it's a new concept.

We didn't see each other again until April. I dropped by on April Fool's day, and he was different. I think we both were. He had gotten taller just as I got as tall as he was, which he teased me endlessly about. He was more angular, but not bony. The day Will didn't have the perfect BMI was the day that I discovered that I was a child of Iris. He was upset that it had been so long, but one day was all it took to erase the months of waiting. He promised that when he got to the camp, he was coming straight to me and kissing me in front of everyone, whether I liked it or not. I told him that he'd have to find me first.

And so now I waited, watching kids swarm onto the grounds. Leo, Callie, and I caught up with Piper and Jason in the shade of Thalia's tree. They thanked me for the Christmas gifts and commented on how different I looked. I wouldn't know, as I rarely even came in contact with mirrors. I wouldn't want to gawp at myself even if I did. Piper did, in fact, get the Venus Flytrap metaphor, and appreciated it. Only because Leo wouldn't stop nagging me, I managed to pull the electric gum prank on the Stolls. They both ended up on the ground groaning, while everyone crowded around them, holding up their phones and snapping pictures.

"You were the last person we would've ever suspected." Travis admitted.

"Feel free to join us and Leo in our pranking ventures." Connor offered as Travis went off to find Katie.

Everyone watched as he stopped in front of her. She frowned at him, but her eyes soon softened. Slowly, he leaned down, and she did nothing to stop him as they kissed. More than just the Aphrodite kids crooned, "Awwwwww". Not including me, of course. I was okay with being a stick in the mud at the moment.

In complete contrast, Clarisse pushed through the crowd, eyes fiery. "I can't believe you made me come all the way over here just to find you, you idiot." She snapped. Chris only grinned sheepishly as she hugged him tight, and after a moment, he placed a kiss on the top of her head. A few people stopped to stare at the Ares girl, and she whipped around, demanding, "Whaddaya think you're looking at, punks?"

After another hour of watching friends and couples reunite, I told everyone else to go ahead to the dining pavilion to listen to Chiron and Mr. D's speech. I waited until a familiar car drove up, and watched as Will said goodbye to his mother and started lugging his bags up the hill. When the car drove away, I jogged down the hill towards him, bones from small animals popping up beneath my feet. Calm down, Nico. There was no one in sight but us. He looked up just as I crashed into him.

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