the chronicals of n&w chapter 15

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Nico's POV

I knew I shouldn't have overreacted. Jason hadn't done anything wrong. It wasn't his fault that he had questions, just as it wasn't his fault that my mother had been dead for several decades. And yet anger was burning in the pit of my stomach. Hissing in frustration, I splayed my hands, expelling a cloud of darkness which swirled around the cabin. I could hear campers' exclamations of shock when they saw the shadows thickening. They expanded until the entire camp was covered in a black fog. Even though I couldn't see it, I could feel them spreading. My demonic heritage manifested itself in my physical form, setting my veins on fire. I spread my wings, lifting off the ground when the shadows started to make me drowsy upon contact. Toxic. Just like me.

"Nico!" I heard Will yell as he barged into my cabin. He slowed, hit by a wave of poisonous smoke. Seeing his eyes glaze over, I immediately reached out to my power and drew it back in with every ounce of strength still in me. It weighed down my bones, and for a second, the pain was so great that it sent me to my knees. Will was instantly at my side, helping me into a sitting position as if I were indescribably feeble.

"Sorry," I muttered, still too frustrated to shift back into myself. It had been so easy to let go of my inhibitions in a fit of emotion, to allow the restless energy inside of me to reign free.

"Are you okay?" Will placed his hands in mine. Upon my nod of confirmation, he continued. "Jason really is sorry. He didn't mean to upset you."

"It's not Jason. It's me. What's wrong with me, Will? I'm still sad and bitter, deep down inside, and I shouldn't be. I've tried so hard to change. I like to think that I did. You make me better, take everything in me that's broken and mend it."

He hugged me to him, trying to shield me from everything that hurt. But try as he might, he couldn't protect me from myself. My wings were large enough to wrap around the two of us, as if we were in a little tent together, and I did just that, melting in his arms. "I don't know what's happening, and I don't know what to do any more than you do. But no matter what happens, I'll be with you." Will whispered. Our gazes met, and without any further encouragement, I leaned forward. Our lips fit together, as if they were made to meet, and Will was gripping me like he'd never let go. My heart felt too big to fit in my chest. Butterflies filled my stomach. My eyes fell shut, and the only things I could feel were his mouth moving against mine and the places where his hands met my skin. After a heartbeat and an eternity all at once, we pulled apart.

I opened my eyes. My form had stabilized into something more or less human, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion rolled over me. Feeling as though my bones had turned to lead, I watched from a third person point of view as Will tried to shake me awake. Threats to banish me into the infirmary if I fell unconscious fell from his mouth in a wave of thinly veiled concern. I tried, I really did, but it all became too much.

Indistinct voices washed over me like waves. I jerked awake, sucking in a deep breath of air, and Will's face came into focus. His nose was an inch from mine. I gasped, jumping to my feet. But I also stumbled, unable to regain my balance, and blindly flailed around for something to steady myself with. Which happened to be my boyfriend. With a squawk, he was dragged onto the ground. "Nico! You seriously decide to wake up just when I was done dragging you over here?"

"So I wasn't out for too long?"

"Only about ten minutes, tops."

I hesitantly stood once more. Will held my hand, supporting me. "I'm fine," I said after a moment, waving him off. He reluctantly let go. I straightened up. "I'm going back to the lake to apologize for overreacting."

"You weren't overreacting!" He protested. I gave him a long look. "You weren't!"

"Whatever. You coming?"

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