The chronicles of N&W part 7

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Will's POV

I was in my room, waiting for Nico to Iris Message me, when a small light bloomed in the corner of my vision. To my confusion, Nico looked almost stunned. "I think we may have a bit more time than we would for a normal Iris message. I used the direct number of a sort-of friend by association."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Fleecy, one of Iris's assistants. It's 'O Fleecy, do me a solid'." Nico winced a bit as he spoke, as if the very words were painful.

"I'm going to use that from now on," I stated, laughing, but then grew serious. "I'm so sorry about my mom. You don't have to come over if she makes you uncomfortable. School is getting busy, and it might be hard to talk to you as often."

He looked a bit put out at that, but hid it well. "That's okay. I've been busy too."

I thought of something. "Did you participate in the Christmas caroling like I told you to?" I smiled when he slowly nodded, reluctant. "That's great!"

"Can it, Solace," He muttered, giving me a glare.

"Your witty comeback scorches me!" I gasped dramatically, holding my hands over my heart.

"Har dee har har," He snorted. His eyes met mine, and I melted the moment I looked into those pools of dark chocolate. "I've gotta go to bed now. Miss you," He seemed uncomfortable now, shifting from foot to foot and bouncing on his toes.

"Miss you too," I replied, winking at him in a way that might or might not have implied anything. A splash of pink colored his cheeks, before, grumbling under his breath about Sun Spawn, the connection timed out.

I waved, and the connection timed out. After an hour, when I was sure that most of my friends would be sleeping, I decided that it was time to acknowledge the holiday. "O Fleecy, do me a solid. I need some presents delivered." I chanted. Since there were quite a few, I felt obligated to put more than one drachma in my portable Iris Messaging device, a prototype given to me by Leo Valdez when he found out that Nico and I were "good friends" and that we wanted to keep in touch.

"Sure thing, Loverboy." The girl who I assumed was Fleecy giggled. Gods, she'd been watching my interactions with Nico. I wanted to hide in a deep, dark hole, and possibly never come out. Which would be bad for my health. Fleecy didn't press the matter, though, which I was grateful for. Once all of the presents were sent to their recipients, I told her to have a Merry Christmas.

"No one's ever really thanked me before. You can have one free Iris Message, no questions asked. You have a Merry Christmas as well, Will Solace."

Wow, being polite really did pay off. I drifted to sleep, too tired to worry about my mom and her evident homophobia.

In the morning, I sat up and blinked the sleep out of my eyes. Opening the window, I let the sun shine its rays on me, the warmth taking me into a more awake state. "Thanks, Dad," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. There were just the amount and type of clouds that were my favorite in the sky today. Apollo must have really asked around to pull this together. I wanted to Iris Message Nico, but decided to spend the morning with my mom.

"You've got some presents from your friends!" She said excitedly, pulling me into a hug. I smiled, but it was a bit forced. I still wasn't too happy with her after last night.

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