Chapter 19

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Daenerys sat in front of the hearth. She knew she should sleep, to at least get some rest before leaving Winterfell the next day, but there were too many thoughts in her head. Sansa hadn't come to any of the meals in the hall and Daenerys felt sure that Sansa hated her so she didn't try to go see her in her rooms. But now that this was Daenerys's last night in Winterfell, she realized she should have done just that, and that she wasted these days when she could've used them to shore up at least a cordial friendship. Part of her wanted to go to Sansa's rooms now but it was the middle of the night. She was probably asleep. She would probably close the door in my face.

That thought made her smile. Sansa Stark. So strong and obstinate. Beautiful and passionate. But then Daenerys's smile fell as she remembered how hurt Sansa had looked the last time they were alone together. It's too late.

The knock on the door was a welcome interruption. Maybe it was Missandei who knew her queen needed company. Daenerys opened the door and was surprised to see Sansa, wearing a robe over her nightgown. Warmth filled Daenerys, happy to see her, thankful that Sansa didn't hate her enough to let this distance between them stand. She hoped they would be able to put it all past them and begin anew.

Daenerys stepped back and let Sansa into her bedchamber. She saw Sansa nervously look around. This was the first time Sansa had been in her bedchamber while she'd been a guest here. Daenerys saw that she was playing with the rope of her robe and when Sansa caught Daenerys looking at it, she turned away. Daenerys wondered why she wasn't speaking.

"I'm glad you came," Daenerys said. "I didn't want to leave things that way between us. About Jon..."

"Please, let's not speak of him," Sansa interrupted, still not looking at her. "You're leaving. You two will wed. It is the best thing for you and the realm. But tonight... just for tonight..."

Sansa turned around and slowly undid the tie of her robe and removed it, letting it fall to the floor. Her gaze steady, Daenerys inhaled sharply when Sansa approached and began to untie the rope of her own robe. Daenerys grabbed her hands, stopping her, suddenly afraid of what this would mean. Of how her heart would be able to handle this. One night together, no more. Shouldn't they speak first? Would Sansa regret it?

Would I be able to walk away afterwards?

Sansa patiently waited as Daenerys thought over the ramifications of this choice. There was desire in Sansa's eyes but also understanding, as if Sansa knew they would likely not recover easily after this but she wanted to anyway. And so did Daenerys.

Daenerys slowly nodded and then allowed Sansa to finish removing her robe and then loosen the laces on the front of her nightgown. Once they were unlaced, Sansa's hands stayed where they were, lightly gripping Daenerys's nightgown. They stared at each other and Daenerys brought her hands to Sansa's wrists, her eyes questioning, searching Sansa's face to make sure this was what she wanted. Sansa's eyes closed and she pulled Daenerys towards her. Daenerys leaned forward to press a soft kiss on her neck. The relieved gasp that Sansa made caused Daenerys to smile. She pulled back and watched Sansa open her eyes. Determination and lust came to life in those eyes and Daenerys felt arms wrap around her as Sansa pulled her into a desperate kiss, hungrier than the ones before. She rubbed her hands along Sansa's back and down to her thighs and Daenerys smiled when she felt Sansa shudder against her. But when Sansa bit her lower lip, Daenerys was the one who trembled uncontrollably, the way she always did when Sansa did that. She couldn't help it. The pain and pleasure from that sensation was always a surprise coming from Sansa and Daenerys wondered if Sansa would surprise her in other ways.

Moving to the bed, Daenerys sat on the edge while Sansa attacked her neck. Sansa was moving fast but with purpose and Daenerys was surprised at her level of comfort and confidence; whatever reservations she had detected in Sansa in the past likely had more to do with whether it was a good idea than with the act itself. Where Sansa lacked knowledge, she used her eyes and fingers to explore and learn Daenerys's responses. And she was a fast learner. She felt Sansa's hands trail up between her legs only to ghost away and before Daenerys knew it, one hand tangled in her hair, pulling her head back while Sansa trailed her other hand down her neck and over her breasts. Any thoughts she'd had that she would have to lead Sansa through her first time with a woman disappeared. Daenerys sighed in eager anticipation as Sansa pushed her to lie back against the bed, making sure Daenerys was comfortable on a pillow.

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