Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey, many thanks to everyone still reading, and thanks to those of you who have voted for chapters and added this story to your reading lists. I appreciate it.


Daenerys was tired as she entered the War Room for the morning council meeting. It was time to start planning the departure from Winterfell. Even though she knew she hadn't slept well, it still felt  like she was seeing more clearly than she had been in days. Eager to get started, Daenerys wanted to be the first one in the room so she arrived early but Jon was already there and he was alone.

He smiled softly at her and Daenerys saw calmness about him.

Jon said, "I suppose I shouldn't start without the others but I think you should know that we've gotten reports that some of the smallfolk have fled King's Landing. With the food shortages there, and their fear of attack, it's understandable. I'm surprised Cersei let them go but I don't think her army is as devoted to her as she'd like."

"Hmmm, I hope those people are safe and find shelter. It's good news, though, yes? It means there will be less risk of innocent casualties."

"Aye," Jon replied, smiling gently. He walked over to her and reached for her hand.

Daenerys stared into his eyes and felt a confused warmth. What is he...?  Before she could say anything, or figure out what it was she was feeling, Sansa walked in. Sansa blushed furiously at seeing Daenerys then directed a sharp glance at her hand joined with Jon's. Daenerys pulled her hand away quickly and hardened her features. Fortunately,  Tyrion and the others walked in.

Over the last week Sansa's presence had distracted her in these meetings. They would share looks and secret smirks but this time Daenerys found it easy to focus on the updates from Tyrion and Jon. Tyrion shared that the ravens had begun arriving with declarations of allegiance to their cause. She ignored how Tyrion directed a grateful look towards Sansa. Jon spoke of what was happening with the smallfolk in King's Landing. Varys said that his birds shared whispers that boded well for open support for Daenerys after she'd taken the throne. Daenerys was pleased with all the news.

Then Tyrion reiterated the plan for taking King's Landing. Daenerys, the dragons, and a small contingent would head to White Harbor to meet her  armies that have been waiting and then sail for Dragonstone. Yara's small fleet will likely arrive when they do. Jon would lead the northern armies, the forces from the Vale, and the rest of the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki down the King's Road. Along the way, they would join with forces from the Riverlands, Edmure Tully having declared for Daenerys thanks to Sansa's efforts. Daenerys would wait until Jon's arrival and then they would coordinate the attack. It had been decided that a long siege would not be necessary. Daenerys and Jon would use the dragons and would stand down as soon as the city surrendered.

"You may want Jon to come along with you, your Grace," interrupted Bran.

"And why is that?" asked Tyrion. They all looked at Bran expectantly.

"Rhaegal will need a rider to help fight off Euron Greyjoy's ambush. He means to wait for you off Dragonstone. The ballistae have been mounted on his ships. He will try to take out your dragons."

"Those bolts are strong enough to penetrate ships' hulls. Our fleet will be ripped apart," Daenerys muttered, looking at Jon.

Lord Royce spoke up. "My Queen, with your permission, I can lead the forces down the King's Road instead of Lord Snow."

Jon looked at him and exchanged a look with Daenerys. Weeks ago she would've shaken her head against this idea. But Sansa had helped her get to know Lord Royce, and she had received Lord Arryn's declaration of support. She nodded in agreement.

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