Chapter 12

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After Daenerys left the room, Sansa got ready for the day. She wanted time to be alone so she got dressed to go riding, sending a servant to Brienne to relay the message about her plans and to meet her at the stables. It would just be a ride around Winterfell's perimeter, just to clear her head.

At the stables, she greeted Brienne but she was in no mood to talk. Brienne, as always, understood and together they rode out of the south gate and turned right.

Thoughts swirled in Sansa's mind. If Arya knew about last night she'd be yelling at her right now. If Littlefinger were here he'd first admonish her for letting her emotions get the better of her and then he would congratulate her on a scheme well done, for figuring out how to deceive Daenerys into trusting her. Sansa angrily spurred her horse into a gallop and Brienne followed silently behind. They were soon past the Hunter's Gate.

It's not my fault Daenerys is too trusting. She should've known better. She should've listened to her advisors. She knows who I am and what I wanted.

Sansa slowed her horse and had to bite her cheek to keep from screaming, feeling the metallic taste she'd become very much familiar with over the years. This morning, feeling Daenerys next to her, underneath her arm and leg... for a split second she had been tempted. Two choices: continue or pull away. Sansa had pulled away but Daenerys had wanted her to continue, her sigh indeed filled with disappointment. Daenerys was so soft and she smelled so good, if she had been bolder... if she had had less scruples. Oh so you'll kill her but you won't fuck her, Sansa imagined Cersei saying to her. Tsk tsk, little dove, thinking she can play like the rest of us.

Shaking her head and halting her horse, Sansa growled out sharply, her horse whinnying unhappily. She was trying to suppress what she was feeling but she couldn't. She turned her horse towards the Wolfswood, staring out towards where she had straddled Daenerys and saw desire in Daenerys's eyes for the first time. Had Daenerys seen the same look in hers? Had it surprised her as much as it did Sansa? And then that dinner in her solar later that night... Sansa smiled at the memory. More could've happened then, too, if she'd let it, if she hadn't been so afraid. But now it was too late.

"My lady, are you all right?" Brienne called out, her horse pulling up alongside.

"I'm fine," Sansa answered. "I'm sorry, let's go back. I'm too distracted for this ride."

"Yes, my lady. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Sansa was tempted to tell her everything but she shook her head. No one could know. No one would ever know about her feelings for Daenerys Stormborn.

"No, thank you, Ser Brienne. No one can help me."

And with that Sansa turned her horse to return through the Hunter's Gate. She had skipped the morning meal but she would clean up and go to the midday one. Sansa didn't want to avoid Daenerys again. She couldn't be weak. Having passed the sentence, she would feel every part of this because it was her responsibility. She hoped when Arya stabbed her shoulder tomorrow that there would be permanent damage. She deserved this suffering.

After she'd returned her horse to the stables, she parted from Brienne and made her way to her rooms. Dark thoughts distracted her and she didn't notice Missandei waiting for her in her corridor until she spoke.

"Lady Stark, may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course, Lady Missandei. I've asked for servants to bring a bath so it will have to be short. Here, let's use my solar."

Once inside, she gestured towards chairs but Missandei shook her head.

"This won't take long. I just... if you'll forgive my boldness, her Grace has become quite taken with her friendship with you. And I wondered if you realized how that puts her in a precarious position with the other northern lords."

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