Chapter 15

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Daenerys woke to the sounds of sobbing and thrashing in the bed beside her. It was still night and for a moment she didn't know where she was but then she remembered the lemon cakes and that she was in Sansa's bed. She raised herself up on her left arm and reached her right hand for Sansa, gently grasping her shoulder.

"Sansa, shhh, it's alright, you're safe," Daenerys whispered.

"No,"  said Sansa in a muffled voice, "Don't.... Don't!" Sansa sat up suddenly and looked around. Daenerys sat up, too, and in the dim candlelight saw Sansa's wild, tear-filled eyes. She looked at her without recognition and then broke down into sobs, raising up her knees and putting her head down against them. Daenerys didn't know what to do and put a hand on her back but Sansa quickly turned and slapped her hand away.

"Don't touch me!" snapped Sansa.

That's when Sansa seemed to recognize her and the angry look in her eyes was replaced by remorse. She looked so lost, as if there was no comfort for her anywhere, and Daenerys opened her arms and Sansa threw herself into them, sobbing against her.

"I'm sorry, Daenerys," muttered Sansa, between sobs. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you... I didn't know... don't leave... don't leave me..."

"Shhh, it's alright, I'm here. You're safe. The nightmare is over," said Daenerys soothingly, rubbing Sansa's back, brushing back the strands of hair from Sansa's face.

They lay down together, Daenerys still holding Sansa, Sansa's head resting on her shoulder. She placed gentle kisses on the top of Sansa's head and when Sansa looked up at her, Daenerys feathered small kisses along her forehead. Sansa's eyes were still wet but she seemed clear-headed now, and very aware of how they were pressed together. Without warning, Sansa leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss on her mouth but before Daenerys could respond she pulled away and put her head back on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Daenerys," whispered Sansa.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

Sansa shook her head and brought an arm around Daenerys's midsection and held her tightly.

They stayed that way for a while and occasionally Daenerys would feel a silent sob against her. She felt helpless and unsure and didn't know what she could do to bring Sansa out of this. Perhaps Sansa needed a distraction.

"You are a very strong woman, Sansa. All who know you admire you. I admire you. How you love and defend your family. How you stand up for the North. The first moment I saw you when I came to Winterfell, I knew Jon had not described you adequately. I knew I was looking at someone who should have been a queen."

"What did he say?"

"He said you had suffered and had come out of it stronger. That you were suspicious of strangers and would not be happy he had bent the knee. But that was a given. He didn't describe your heart, your intelligence, the way you carry yourself."

"I was awful to you."

"Yes, you were," laughed Daenerys. "But I shouldn't have let it bother me as much as it did. I should've expected it. I see now that you were right to be suspicious. You had fought so hard to get back to your home, your true home under Stark rule, had carefully pieced the North back together and declared your independence with Jon as your king, and before you all could settle in with your kingdom and what that meant, Jon bends the knee and gives it away. I'm surprised you were as polite as you were."

"He was right to bend the knee, though," said Sansa, looking up at her.

"I'm glad you finally think so," Daenerys replied softly, returning Sansa's look.

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