Chapter 13

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Sansa and Daenerys strolled arm in arm through Winter town and Sansa was surprised the previous night's conversation hadn't dampened Daenerys's humor or raised suspicion. She'd made an error by revealing her thoughts like that in her 'game'. But she'd made many of those recently, the biggest being allowing herself to care for Daenerys Targaryen. She had half expected Daenerys to cancel, and a small part of her hoped that she would. But here they were and every step felt like heartbreak.

The people came out to greet Daenerys as they passed. Sansa no longer saw distrust directed at Daenerys or her soldiers, and the people had welcomed their help in rebuilding their structures and distributing food. Daenerys had been a quick study and she freely talked to the people, remembered their names and the names of their children, frequently inquiring after them and their health. With Sansa at her side, Daenerys seemed at ease amongst her northern people, and Sansa again silently cursed Daenerys's advisors and Jon for not doing more to make their queen more approachable, less foreign. It hadn't taken long at all and already Daenerys had won their respect and maybe even a true loyalty. If there had been more time, Sansa could have taken Daenerys to the other important houses of Westeros to gain their support. With her  help, Daenerys would have had most of Westeros united against Cersei. Her head fell.

"What's wrong, Lady Sansa? Are you ill?" Daenerys  asked, holding Sansa's hands. They had just finished talking with another family who had thanked Daenerys for fighting for them. Four guards walked behind them; two Unsullied, Podrick, and Brienne. Arya had told her it would be better to replace Brienne with someone else but Sansa knew it would be more believable to have her sworn sword with her.

"No, I'm not ill," answered Sansa. "Sometimes it can be difficult seeing all the hardships of my people."

"I understand. I see now why they love you so fiercely. You show them respect and loyalty. You stand up for them. You are truly formidable,  Lady Sansa," Daenerys gently said, her fingers lightly grazing Sansa's hands.

"Thank you, your Grace."

"Please, call me Daenerys. We are friends now, after all."

Sansa nodded and looked into Daenerys's eyes and saw genuine affection and friendship. It had been what she wanted, what she'd been working towards. But to use it against her. To wrench power away from her. And now where was she? Torn. Because she felt genuine affection as well. She had seen the good in Daenerys that Jon and Tyrion had always said was there, had seen that Daenerys was worthy of their trust. And now her skin tingled at Daenerys's touch. Her cheeks warmed at receiving her smiles. Glancing down at their hands joined together, Sansa let them linger a little longer than what would be considered appropriate between friends. Sansa looked back up and a whisper of something passed through her heart but before she could consider its meaning she saw a hooded figure standing in the far distance ahead of them, staring at her. It was Arya, using one of her faces.

Sansa's heart caught in her throat. She slowly took her hands away from Daenerys and looked around  briefly. It was too crowded. The guards would catch Arya. She needed to get Daenerys away from them, somewhere alone, a place where it could be done quickly, painlessly, where Daenerys wouldn't see that she'd been the one responsible. Not out here, where there would be screams and chaos. She had to act quickly before Arya came closer.

"Your Grace... could I speak to you privately? There's something I've been struggling with that I don't know quite how to say out loud, out here, but if I wait any longer I might be too afraid to speak it."

"Of course, Lady Sansa," Daenerys said, taking her arm and together they quickly walked along the narrow street. Sansa spotted a potter's house that would allow privacy. It was small but the windows had a dusty layer so it would be hard to see inside and like many of the tradesmen's homes, she knew it had an entrance on the other side. Arya would be able to sneak in that way as long as the guards stayed out front.

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