24 | Windsor

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I furrow my brows, my finger continuously tapping through the gallery on my laptop, the photos i'd taken of the files in the principals desk glaring at me through the screen.

My door opens and I ignore it, knowing who walked into my room by their steps alone.

"Close the door" I say off handedly to Ryland.

The hinges whine as he shuts it, the bed dipping a few seconds later as he sits on it.

I still don't turn to look at him, eyes flying over the information on the screen.

"What are you looking at?" His rough voice pierces the air and I suck in a harsh breathe, goosebumps rising on my arms and I shake my head, willing them away.

"The info on Jackson" I say halfheartedly, feeling the heat of his arms as it lands on the other ice of me, his waist pressed to mine as he leans over me to stare at the screen.

"What have you gathered?" He whispers, his mouth by my ear.

I swallow, narrowing my eyes on my laptop screen "the same thing" I pause, flicking to the next photo "he's a fake"

"Hmmm" he murmurs, the rumble of it vibrating through my back.

"The principal is on Vitales' payroll"


"Why do you keep saying hmm?" I snap.


I blow out an agitated breathe, turning my body to face him hastily so I can glare at his face.

His lips descend on mine, stealing my breathe.

I breathe him in, his intoxicating scent, the fell of his chest pressed against mine as I slam the lid of laptop closed.

"What" I whisper between kisses "Are" I pull back staring at his face as I breathe harshly "you doing?"

"Kissing you" He grins, rolling his eyes at me playfully before pecking my lips again as he grabs the laptop.

"We can't" I tell him sternly, looking away from his sad eyes.

He swallows, "I know" turning his back to me, he pulls my laptop towards him "You say that every time"

My heart spasms with pain as I try to ignore it.

"Ryland" I start, my fingers hovering at his shoulder.

"I got it" He says monotone, not looking at me as the computer boots up.

Guilt rushes my blood as I stand up from my bed, walking so I'm in front of him.

"I like you Ry"

"-but as a friend, I get it"

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, the red strands almost glowing against my reddening skin, my cheeks no doubt blushing.

I look away not wanting to look at his face as I confess something for the first time in my life.

"If I liked you as just a friend Ry, I wouldn't kiss you every chance I got"

His eyes flicker to mine, rolling his eyes.

"Then why wont you make us serious?"

"You know why" I tell him softly

"It's a stupid reason"

"I don't want to ruin the team dynamic"

"If my parents can do it" He let the rest of the words settle in the air between us.

"My father-"

"Now you're just making up excuses"

"He's protective"

"I'm not scared of your father, Windsor" he tells me

"Don't get me wrong, I love my father but he's chaotic" I shake my head, widening my eyes as I think of him.

Ryland lifts my chin with a finger, smirking at me "He's a puppy"

"A puppy who taught me how to break someones neck for my seventh birthday"

"Don't be dramatic" Ryland chuckles "he taught all of us, it was the best part of your birthday party"

"The neighbours kids ran home crying, Lachlan stopped talking to me"

Rylands face darkens "He was a tool anyway"

"You're just jealous that my seven year old self liked him"

"What's there to be jealous about?" His eyes twinkle as he stares at me "Who do you like now?"

I purse my lips, refusing to answer.


I look out the window, not glancing his way as I smile threatens to break onto my face.


The smile promptly drops, my fierce glare settled on him but all he does is laugh.

"Don't call me that" I snap, crossing my arms.

"Why?" He takes my face in his hands "you used to love when I called you Winnie"

I give him a deadpan look "I was ten"

"Well I look at you and I still see a ten" he smirks winking at me.

I breathe out a laugh and shove his shoulder "Shut up and give me my laptop"

I quickly stand and take it from his outstretched hands, looking back at the info on the screen, knowing I should send it to the team.

Arms wrap around my waist and my body is twisted, Ryland pulling me back into his body as I crumble into a seated position in his lap, giggles escaping my lips as he holds me tightly to him, me head falling back to rest on his shoulder.

We stay like that for a few seconds, me wrapped up in his arms, content.

"Windsor" he whispers and I hum, turning to face him "we wouldn't ruin the team dynamic" He glances away from me, looking out my window "The team already know-" he pauses,  before his eyes settle back on mine, moving to trace the freckles on my face "I love you"

He loves me?

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