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"Eh?! Why not? This is the fifth time that this has happened. Why won't you come?"

"Well, I-"

"Just spill it already. What is it? You can't swim? Is that it?"

"N-No! It's not... I know how to swim! It's just that..."

"You have a lot of problems... But don't worry. You won't need them." He places his hand on your shoulder

"Hm... Are you sure about that?"


"You know what? I will go. But I'm not going to swim."

"Yeah. Whatever. You, get the necessary items only. Because I'm not carrying your heavy bags like before."

"Pfft- Don't worry! I'm not gonna bring the whole house with me again, Jean."

"J-Just go get your stuff! I'm gonna wait for you outside."

-Time Skip-

You arrived at Connie's place and knocked on the door.

The party Connie was having was a pool party, which was his favorite kind. Sasha opened the door and you stepped in

He noticed you both walk in. And greeted you with a warm smile

"Hey! Glad you could make it! The others are in the back."

Jean changed into his swimwear and came back then jumped into the pool, creating a big splash.

You decide to sit on one of the chairs and watched them as they were happily playing in the pool.

There were some who weren't in the pool because they were doing something else.

As you watched them with boredom in your eyes, Ymir and Christa approached you.

"Hey. Haven't seen you both in a while."

"I could say the same thing to you," Ymir said

"So, _____... Why aren't you gonna swim?" Christa asked

"Hm? Oh! Its-"

"Nevermind. You don't need to tell us. We know."

You knew they were in the same situation as you because they weren't in their swimsuits. In fact, they didn't even bring theirs.

"So... What should we do while waiting for the games to begin?" You asked

"We can play 'Would you Rather' to kill time!" Ymir suggested

"What a perfect idea!" Christa beamed

"Ok. Who's gonna go first?"

"I'll go first since I suggested it first."

"Would you rather, walk on water or swim on land?"

"The hell?! What kind of- Ahaha! Question is that?! I'd walk on pfft- water rather than swim on land."

"I agree."

"My turn!" Christa giggled

"Would you rather... Watch 'My Neighbor Totoro' or watch 'Spirited away' ?"

"Dang, that's hard. I love both movies! Agh!!" You chuckled to yourself

"I'd watch 'My Neighbor Totoro' for reasons," Ymir said

"How about you, _____?"

"Spirited Away."

"I can see why not."

Time passed by. You three were getting hungry. You went inside to ask for food. And the food was savory. Like very savory. And because if the deliciousness, you three ate plenty.

You had to look for Jean and left Ymir and Christa on their own.

You found him sipping some soda on the side of the pool. You snuck up to him and...


He turned around to see you with the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.
Once he saw it. He couldn't help but laugh to himself

"Your smile just makes me so happy it makes me want to hug you tightly."

"You can't do that."


"You're all wet, Jean. Why would I hug you?" You giggled

"Oh. Yeah, you're right..."

-Time Skip-

Jean was all dried up. He came out from changing and went to look for you. You returned to the chair you sat in earlier. While you weren't in his sight, you went up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Ah! There you are. I was looking for you."

"I already found you, "

"You're not wrong..."

After the party, you thanked Connie for inviting you both... Even if you didn't swim. You had fun with other activities.

"Thanks for inviting us, Connie! I never knew you can throw such a party! I'm impressed!"

"Thanks! I want to see what your parties would look like in the future. Bye!"

-Time Skip, you arrive at your place-

You lay on your bed in comfort. As you remembered to change pads... You groan in agony as you take out one of the pad you placed in the small sling bag and headed to the bathroom.

The only thing you can do is...

Let it be

What can you do anyway? You came out and changed into your house clothes and sat on the comfy bed, which was your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.

Jean came in and sat beside you on your comfy bed. Wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer. You rested your head on his shoulder.

"You know... Maybe attending Connie's parties aren't so bad after all! I feel bad for you during the previous times I was not around... You must've missed all the fun without me... Or, I missed all the fun... To be honest... You... Forgive me, right?"

"Of course I forgive you! Why wouldn't I? You're the most adequate individual I've ever encountered in my existence!" Jean says as he kisses you.

He pulls back and you giggle.

"Let's get some rest, shall we?"

"We shall."

You both now lie on the fluffy mattress and eventually fall asleep in each other's arms.

When You're On Your Period!| AOT Boys X [Fem] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now