Secret Society

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Chapter 13: Secret Society

The first thing I noticed was my breath. At first I was unsure of what the hissing was and then, with the realization, relief flooded over me like a wave.

The second thing was the beating of my heart, confirming that I was indeed alive again.

Sitting up, I supported myself on the table while I got my footing. Dez was close. I knew that automatically. The store was empty: the backroom, which appeared to be some sort of office, every cluttered closet. Finally, I exited through the same door through which they'd brought me, making sure to leave it open.

There it was, beside a pile of garbage bags, a set of stairs leading down. After a quick look, I determined that it was also locked with one of the barred doors. Hurrying back into the shop, I took the largest blade I could find: an ornate dagger with a jewel in the handle. The task looked daunting, but anything was possible with a little force. I rammed the tip into the lock.

I had to stop every couple of moments as I was startled by the sound of the city. Even in the middle of a clear night like this I couldn't see the stars. A sickly yellow streetlight illuminated the apartment building on the other side of the alley from me. My blade hit something, and the lock popped. One to go.

When the inner door had been opened, I couldn't see a thing. Falling into a crouch, I made my way along the wall. There wasn't far to go. A door blocked my way only a few meters in. I went for the dagger but it was already unlocked. Light spilled from within, as I opened it a crack. It was no angel blade, but at least I had a weapon.

The room was unfinished: an concrete basement with uncovered light bulbs hanging from wires.

“Ramie,” a voice hissed, barely audible.

I spun. There, with her hands bound behind a support column, was Kera. She looked relatively unharmed, and despite myself I breathed a sigh of relief. It was then that I realized she was my last tie to Raphael. If she died his death would lose all meaning. I cut the ropes, offering her a hand.

“Where are they?” I kept my voice to a whisper, taking my cue from her.

“With Dez,” she answered. “They're leaving me alone because I'm human, but-” Her speech cut off. “It stopped, but she was screaming. Maybe she's talking to them?” Her voice was hopeful. “She's awfully good at that.”

If they'd killed her I would slit their throats. Maybe I'd do it anyways. They were just as bad as I had been, treating her like this. And these were the people who had Gavyn. Kera lead me to another door. This one opened into a longer hallway. Richard stood with his back to us, on the phone. Beside him was another door.

“Specialists are of no concern to us,” he said. “Whether you were aware of your agent's Cambion status or not doesn't matter.” It was Dez's cellphone that he spoke into. Violet must have called us. There was a long pause on our side of the phone, and I tiptoed forwards. “We are aware of that.” His voice was stoic.

I lunged, grabbing one of his shoulders. The phone clattered to the ground. Richard grabbed my wrist but I smashed the hilt of the dagger into his skull. He collapsed. Kera hurried to retrieve the phone as I yanked open the door.

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