Chapter 22

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"Seeing as everyone in class now knows about you being the spy and stuff, does that mean we can help you find the traitor?" Izuku asked. It was Saturday afternoon and they were both just laying in Kaminar's bed watching whatever show had come on tv.

Kaminari shrugged. "I don't see why not, as long as you guys are careful about it. No one outside of our class can find out about me and no one else should know about the traitor. If they get wind that we're looking for them, it could end badly." He explained.

Izuku nodded in understanding. "We can work with that. Who's the most likely candidate right now?" He asked, shifting so he could look at his boyfriend while they talked.

Pushing himself up so he was sitting, Kaminari let out a sigh. He really didn't want to drag Izuku into his job, but he knew there was nothing he could do to deter the smaller boy. "Right this second, it's assumed they're in 3-B and targeting 3-A kids. Care to take a guess at who it is?" He offered up.

"Monoma?" Izuku asked after a second of contemplation.

"ding, ding, ding, give the boy a prize." Kaminari joked, kissing the tip of his nose lightly.

Izuku giggled slightly at the affection, but turned serious after. "Do you really think he's capable of being the traitor though? He's really not the brightest." He pointed out.

Kaminari raised a brow at him. "And I was?" He challenged.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Point taken, but I honestly don't think it's him." Izuku said, sticking with his own thoughts.

Shrugging Kaminari actually agreed. "I don't really think it's him either, but he's the most likely student at this point. I'm running out of leads bunny. I've been hitting dead ends for three years now, I've got to try something." He admitted. He had one job when coming to UA, and he had been failing at it for three years now.

Izuku buried his head into his shoulder, feeling sorry for the other boy. "You're doing the best you can with what you're given. It's not like anyone else is doing any better." He pointed out, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Suddenly Izuku shot up, a thought hitting him.

"What? What's wrong?" Kaminari asked, slightly panicked.

"You said that Monoma was the most likely student." Izuku said, looking up at the blond.

"Yeah, and?"

"What if the traitor isn't a student? What if it's a teacher and that's why you haven't been able to find them?" Izuku suggested. He didn't like the thought of a teacher betraying the school anymore than a student, but if Kaminari was running out of students, maybe it was because he was looking at the wrong bracket.

Kaminari sighed in disappointment. He was thrilled that Izuku was trying to help, but he was a highly trained agent and anything Izuku could come up with, Kaminari probably thought of a year earlier. "Already tried that. Not only is Nezu adamant about the fact he trusts his staff completely, but I've already checked all of them. Twice. It's just another dead end."

Izuku slightly deflated at the discouraging development, but he loved a challenge. "Well if it's a student, it would have to be someone in a higher up class, A or B. They'd have to be in third year by now because this whole mess started when we were first years and if they're still here, it'd mean they'd also have to be third years. That narrows it down to either our class or 3-B." He said, starting to think through every possible student it could be.

Kaminari smiled lightly at him. He loved the way Izuku's mind worked. The fact he had what Kaminari didn't. He might be a genius in a traditional light, but Izuku was a strategist by nature. He was logical and analyzed everything he could. He filled the part Kaminari couldn't seem to do himself.

"Or...." Izuku trailed off, catching Kaminari's attention.

"Or what, bunny?" He asked, not knowing where he was going but excited at the fact he might have thought of something Kaminari hadn't.

"What if they're just a regular student, from general studies or something, and they... planted cameras or something in one of the classrooms or offices. They'd be able to fly under the radar and still get all the vital information." Izuku proposed. It was a bit of a stretch, but it was something.

"We've already swept all the classrooms in the school, offices included." Kaminari said, shutting the idea down.

"When?" Izuku asked.

"The first day of school, every year." He answered.

"What if they traitor found that out and didn't plant anything until after the first day or even the first week? We never really do anything exciting the first week, so they wouldn't even miss out on much." Izuku explained, offering up another explanation.

Kaminari nodded thoughtfully while pulling his phone out of his pocket and standing up. He dialed a number while throwing a quick glance at a beaming Izuku. "You should be doing my job for me bunny." He said playfully.

"It was just a thought, I could be completely wrong." Izuku said with a heavy blush.

Kaminari was about to retort, but whoever he was calling picked up. "Do another sweep of the rooms."

"We've only done one this year, something could have been set up after the first day."

"Yeah, let me know what you find."

"Okay." He said before canceling the call.

The two boys spent the next hour or two watching tv and working on homework. Having Kaminari as a study buddy was extremely helpful. He had already graduated high school when he was fifteen, before taking the job at UA. He had to be able to easily pass his classes without having to worry to much about studying so he could focus on his job. He had already learned everything they were working on in class.

Izuku had just finished with his math homework when Kaminari got another call. Izuku watched while his boyfriend had a hushed discussion. Once he hung up, Izuku looked at him expectantly.

"It seems you were right, bunny."

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