Chapter 2

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"W-wait, really?" Izuku asked in a fair bit of shock.

"Sure, why not?"

"B-but why would you even want to?" Izuku asked with slight suspicion. It's not that he didn't trust the other boy, he just genuinely had no clue why someone would want to fake-date him. He still couldn't figure out why anyone would want to actually date him.

"Because you obviously need help, and aren't heroes supposed to help those in need?" He asked, amused by Izuku's questions. The other boy was painfully insecure, and no one else could figure out why.

Izuku took a second to think over the proposition. If he did this, everyone would think he was dating Kaminari. They'd have to act like couple in front of everyone else. It'd be nearly just as much work and responsibility as an actual relationship.

On the other hand... Uraraka and Todoroki might finally lay off. Plus, there wouldn't be any real feelings involved, so there'd be no drama or fights.

It... could work.

"Are you sure you'd be okay with that?" Izuku asked Kaminari, wanting to make sure the other boy understood what he was getting into. He didn't want him to not think it through and get stuck in something he'd be miserable with.

"Yeah dude, I wouldn't mind." He responded, shrugging his shoulders.

Another thought came to Izuku's mind. "You know everyone one would think you were gay, right?" He asked skeptically. Most straight guys were to insecure about their masculinity to let people even attempt to think there were anything other than one hundred percent heterosexual.

"Saves me the hassle of coming out." He said casually.

Izuku stared at him in shock. "W-wait, you're gay?" He asked in disbelief. There was no way he didn't like girls, he and Mineta are both pretty pervy. Kaminari is definitely better at keeping himself in check though.

"Bisexual, technically." He responded.

'Well that makes sense.' He thought to himself. He scolded himself for being stupid enough to forget that people just weren't gay or straight. Bi and pan people were just as valid.

"O-oh okay." He said awkwardly, not knowing what to do now. Were they supposed to just- start fake-dating?

Kaminari seemed to realize that Izuku was to nervous and awkward to make the first move. He gladly took over. "C'mere." He said, motioning for the other boy to scoot closer to them. Izuku did as instructed, so now their knees were just barely touching.

"Do you want to do this? You don't have to if you're uncomfortable with it. I'm just trying to help you out." Kaminari said. He pretty much already knew that Izuku was going to agree to it, but he wanted confirmation.

"Y-yeah, I just don't want to have to run from people because they're going to flirt with me." Izuku said with a huff. He was really getting annoyed with that. He hadn't even gotten his food because of it.

"Okay," Kaminari said with a laugh, "that means we have to talk about rules and stuff so that we actually look believable." He explained. Izuku nodded with a look of pure determination and concentration on his face.

'Cute' Kaminari thought to himself, but shook the thought away quickly.

"What're the rules?" Izuku asked, not knowing how to even be in a relationship. He had never been in one before, so he wasn't even sure what they were supposed to do. Bakugou and Kirishima had been dating for a little over a year, but Izuku was nearly positive that they were a bad example of a normal relationship dynamic.

"Well in order for it to be believable, we're going to have to act like a couple. Do couple things, you know?" Kaminari asked, hoping the kid had at least watched a couple of Hallmark movies and could figure somethings out.

Izuku just shook his head, completely clueless. Kaminari sighed.

"We'll have to hold hands when we're around the other people at school, probably cuddle in the commons at least once, hang out a lot, and not flirt with other people, but the last one is more for me than you." Kaminari said, thinking back over the last rule. It would probably take some getting used to, but the yellow haired boy felt confident that he could be a good fake-boyfriend.

Izuku appeard deep in thought, starting to mumble to himself. "Hold hands, cuddle, hang out, and no flirting. Easy!" He looked up at Kaminari with a blinding smile, "When do we start?" He asked.

Kaminari totally hadn't been staring at the smaller boy. Nope, no, nada, didn't happen. At least that's what he told himself.

"Oh, um, whenever you want." He responded after Izuku's question brought him back to the land of the living.

"Would now work? I'm pretty sure Uraraka and Todoroki were about to confess to me. Again." Izuku said awkwardly. He hated how much attention the two gave him. They were great people and anyone would be lucky to have them, but he just didn't feel that way about them and they couldn't seem to comprehend that.

"Sure dude, now works just fine for me." He said with a softened smile on his face.

They both just looked at each other, smiling, taking in the other's features. They'd have to get used to them, seeing as neither knew how long their little lie would be going on for.

"Oh, wait!" Izuku suddenly exclaimed, disrupting the clam and quiet atmosphere. "We should probably get to know each other if we want to make this believable." He suggested. They hadn't ever talked very much, so they knew next to nothing about each other besides basic information.

"Oh yeah, that'd probably be a good idea. Want to play twenty one questions then?" Kaminari asked. Izuku just nodded his head excitedly, causing Kaminari to chuckle at his behavior. "Do you want to go first?"

"Sure! What's your favorite color?" Izuku asked.

"Green." Kaminari answered with a wink, causing Izuku to turn beat red in point three seconds. He laughed again as he said, "Wow, you're to easy! My favorite color is yellow, I just wanted to see how flustered you'd get." He explained.

Izuku crossed his arms over his chest with a pout. "Not fair!"

"All is fair in love and war." Kaminari said with a shrug. "Favorite animal?" He asked, completely changing the subject and just continuing with the game.

"Probably a tiger." Izuku answered after a few seconds of thinking. "What are some of your hobbies?"

Kaminari wasn't exactly sure how to answer this question. He had a few, but none that he just out right tell the other boy, not with out a lot of explaining at least. That'd definitely have to wait until they got more comfortable with each other.

He thought of the next closest, believable thing to what he actually wanted to say. "Video games I guess." He said.

It had taken him a suspiciously long amount of time for him to answer, and Izuku had noticed. He wasn't sure what Kaminari could be hiding, but he didn't question it. They weren't actually dating, so Izuku had no right to know everything about the other boy's life.

But when Izuku would find out, he'd be beyond confused as to why Kaminari tried so hard to hide it.

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