Chapter 16

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Izuku was abruptly woken up the next morning, by Mina. She was shaking him so hard, he thought they were having an earthquake or something. "Jesus! I'm wake, I'm wake." He said sleepily as he realized there wasn't any real danger. He tried to rub away from of the sleep from his eyes, but he used the sweatshirt sleeves and all he could smell was Kaminari. What an amazing reminder of what had been plaguing him all weekend.

"C'mon, we're already late to school." She said, throwing him a clean uniform.

"What?! Why are we late?!" He shrieked, quickly getting up and looking over the clothes she tossed him.

"I let you sleep in. You needed it." She explained, scrolling through her phone.

"Where'd you get these?" He asked, holding up the clothes that were way to big for him.

"Todoroki. You'll have to wear your own pants though." She said, getting lost in thought. She was trying to figure out how she could make her second phase a success.

As much as Izuku didn't want to wear Todoroki's uniform, he had nothing else. He walked into his bathroom and quickly got changed.

The clothes reeked of Todoroki. He hated to admit it, but he didn't smell bad. Okay, he smelt pretty amazing. All guys, well the ones that know what hygiene is, smell good.

Like he had previously thought, the clothes were to big. They swallowed him alive. Todoroki is one of the tallest people in class and Izuku was one of the shortest. Who thought this was a good idea?

He didn't bother with the tie, leaving it untied. He put the blazer on, and just like the shirt, it engulfed his hands. He wasn't complaining, he liked over sized clothes, it just wasn't the most practical.

He walked out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go. Mina looked up and nearly got a nose bleed from how cute he looked in Todoroki's clothes. Small people in big people's clothes, it was just cute.

They grabbed their stuff and quickly made their way to class, already two hours late. Aizawa was going to kill him, it was the second Monday in a row he was late.

The walked in and everyone stopped and stared. Izuku avoided on person's gaze, and directed his attention to Aizawa, who was looking at him in disapproval.

"Do I even want to ask?"

"Midoriya had some trouble sleeping over the weekend and I kind of forced him to sleep in. Please don't get mad at him! It was my fault." Mina explained. She wanted Kaminari to hear about how Midoriya's weekend went. She needed to do whatever it took to make him realize that them being apart isn't the safest option.

"What's with his uniform?" Aizawa asked, taking in the sight of the small boy, clearly in someone else's clothes. He would have assumed it was Kaminari's, seeing as they were apparently in a relationship, but he wasn't that much taller than Izuku.

"He didn't get his laundry done, he was to busy, so he had to borrow a uniform from Todoroki." Mina said. She noticed a certain blonde turn around and glare at the duel hair boy in the back of the room.

"Whatever, just take your seats." Aizawa said, feigning indifference. In reality, he was worried about the problem child. He noticed the dark bags under his eyes and the messiness of his hair. Something was wrong.

Kaminari was fuming. He was livid. He wasn't sure who he was more pissed at, Mina, Todoroki, or himself. It was a toss up at that point.

He was pissed at Mina for, obviously, being the one to go to Todoroki for clothes.

He was pissed at Todoroki for giving them.

He was pissed at himself, because he was the reason it happened in the first place. He knew it was his fault. He was a genius, remember?

He just had to take a deep breath and remind himself that it was for Izuku's own good. He was protecting him, no matter how bad it hurt himself to do so.

Todoroki could not be fucking happier. It had to be one of the best days of his life, not that there was a lot of competition for that title. Izuku was in his clothes and Kaminari looked ready to snap.

Once you break up with someone, you have no right to be jealous.

But Todoroki wanted to see how far he could push the spy. If he wasn't going to get kicked out for telling the class his secret, maybe he'd get kicked out for attacking a student.

The first half of the day went by quickly for Izuku, he had missed a majority of it anyway. He walked to lunch and grabbed food and made his way to his old table. He had been sitting with the 'Bakusquad' last week, but obviously he wasn't going to continue.

"Hey Deku! Why aren't you sitting with Kaminari today?" Uraraka asked, confusion clear in her tone. She wasn't mad that he sat with them, she was just curious as to why, when his boyfriend was a few tables away.

Izuku flinched at the question, making Uraraka and Iida raise their eyebrows. Todoroki, who also sat with them, remain unfazed, knowing the answer to the question. "We broke up." He muttered, not wanting to talk about it.

Uraraka had conflicted feelings about his answer. Of course she was thrilled that Izuku was back on the market, but she also felt bad. They had been happy together and Izuku was clearly hurting now. She liked him, enough to hate the sight of him upset.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know." She said quietly. She was mad at herself for not noticing it earlier. Then she could have avoided bringing it up and making him uncomfortable.

"It's fine, can we just talk about something else?" He asked, wanting to change the subject as quick as possible.

"Yeah, of course!" Uraraka said, leaping at the chance to distract him. "I heard that Present Mic's test next hour is super hard." She said.

The group fell into an easy conversation about school and training, steering clear of anything that had to do with Izuku's ex. He was thankful for that, but he didn't feel like joining in on the conversation.

While Uraraka and Iida were distracted, having an in depth conversation about a new training regiment they were all supposed to start, Todoroki took the chance to talk with Izuku.

He moved just a fraction closer to him, their legs barely touching, but Izuku didn't seem to mind or even notice, he was to lost in thought. Todoroki leaned closer to him, so that when he whispered, only Izuku could hear him.

"How're you holding up?" He asked, genuinely worried about the smaller boy.

The sudden voice made Izuku jump. He hadn't been paying attention at all. He looked over at Todoroki, not realizing how close they actually were. Their noses were millimeters apart.

"What?" He asked, slightly out of it and not hearing what he'd said before.

From across the room, Kaminari looked up and destroyed the can he had been holding, taking in the sight of Todoroki and Izuku so close together.

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