Chapter 10

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"Young Todoroki, what is it you needed to talk with me about?" All Might asked the nearly adult student, as he walked into his office.

For All Might, Todoroki had always been a bit of a challenge, considering his father and temperament. He had gotten easier to work with after their first year, but they still had set backs. Even if Todoroki was pulling away from his father and his wishes, the boy was still determined to be better than All Might. He was like Bakugou, but with more manners. But only a little.

"I may have information regarding the traitor, or rather a potential traitor." Todoroki said, hesitantly. Before arriving to the retired pro's office, he had been so sure of himself. It was the only conclusion that made sense. Why hide something like that for three years?

Now he was starting to doubt himself. If he was wrong, there could be serious repercussions from not only staff, but his classmates as well. Kaminari was a well like student by the others, accusing him of betraying all of them wouldn't go unpunished.

And there was a lot of room for error.

His control over his quirk could have just been a fluke. He could have just been so genuinely pissed off at Todoroki, it pushed him to concentrate harder than he ever had in training. It could lead to him handling his quirk better.

The only other evidence he had was the math help. It was incredibly odd for Midoriya to ask anyone for help in math, let alone Kaminari. He was failing the subject! But, Todoroki thought, he had never specifically asked the other boy for help. He had just stated that he needed help, not who he was going to receive it from.

All Might perked up. They had been trying to catch the mole for the past three years with little to no luck. They've had people investigating staff and students alike, but have still come up empty handed. Everyone just seemed to check out.

"Yes? And what would that be?" The older male asked. He had people coming into his office nearly weekly with 'leads' that all ended up going no where. He wouldn't have gotten his hopes up if it hadn't been Todoroki. For the boy to come to an adult, him specifically, meant that he was at least semi confident in this information.

"I... I think it might be Denki Kaminari." Todoroki said, doubting himself even more as he saw the look on All Might's face.

'Another bust.' The old pro thought to himself. There couldn't be any sort of chance that Kaminari was the UA traitor. Just the thought alone was laughable.

He sighed before addressing the duel haired teen. "Look Todoroki, I'm gratefully for you trying to help out with this investigation, but I sincerely doubt young Kaminari has anything to do with it." He said, being careful with how he phrased his words, fearing the teen would lash out.

Something, but not that.

"I know! That's what I would have thought to, but something happened just about an hour ago and I really think you need to know about it." Todoroki pressed. Now that he had said it, there was no taking it back. He had to convince All Might or he was screwed.

All Might took a deep breath, knowing he had to at least humor the kid, or it'd wouldnt' be easy trying to teach him again. "What was it?"

"I was talking with Midoriya after class today, and we ended up getting into a verbal fight. Kaminari had heard us and got involved. He-he had complete control over his quirk, which is something I know he isn't even close to accomplishing. Not only that, but Midoriya asked him for help with homework, math homework." Todoroki rushed out, grasping at straws. While trying to convince All Might, he had managed to convince himself even further. It just made sense. He had his moments of doubt, but now he was more positive than ever.

All Might's eye's widened at Todoroki's evidence. This wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. He would have to think quickly if he wanted to keep everyone safe and in check.

"That is... surprising, yes. It isn't concrete evidence, just speculation, so we can't do anything directly at this moment, but I'll inform the other teachers of your suspicions and we'll keep him under supervision. " All Might proposed.

Todoroki didn't seem to all to pleased with the proposition. "Why can't you just take him in for questioning? He was able to fully control his quirk. He couldn't do that two days ago in training. That has to be the most concrete evidence you've gotten these past three years!" He argued. A kid trying to make it through the UA hero course wouldn't just fake being terrible with his quirk when that could easily get him kicked out or held back. It wouldn't make any sense unless he was using it as a cover to look less threatening and suspicious.

It wasn't a secret to his class that when the news about the traitor first came out, all of the tops students were under suspicion. The ones at the bottom of the ranking would have easily flew under the radar without anyone even questioning it. How could an absolute idiot be able to spy on all of UA and get information back to the villains? It was the perfect cover.

"As I said before, it is very suspicious, but it's no reason to go on a witch hunt. It could have been a fluke, he could have just been faking it to try and appear tougher than he really is, or something else along those lines. You can't know for certain that he's the one betraying UA." All Might said, holding his hands up towards the younger boy. He needed to calm him down before he ran out and tried to confront Kaminari himself. That would just end to horribly.

But of course, that was exactly what Todoroki was planning on doing. He thought for a second before asking, "What if I can prove it? Get more evidence that it wasn't a fluke?" He suggested, getting to persistent for All Might's liking.

"No, that's not a good ide-"

But Todoroki was already running out of the office and down the halls, a plan forming in his head as he went.

All Might was retired, he had maybe thirty seconds in his muscled form, on his best day. He couldn't catch Todoroki. He picked up his phone and quickly dialed Aizawa's number.

"What'd you want?"

"Todoroki's about to blow it."

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