Chapter Sixteen

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Sophie's Pov

Christmas time.

Honestly I really don’t like the holidays. It’s a time filled with stress and so much spending that it’s… ridiculous. Still Benji is absolutely obsessed with the holidays, even when he was tiny he loved seeing the decorations and the lights. Then of course there were the presents too, which any kid loves receiving. 

“Hey Soph, it’s time for Benji to take his meds again, which ones should he be taking?” 

I stop categorizing the magazine articles for a moment to tell him the ones that Benji needs to take. Lately Levi had started staying over at my place to help me take care of Benji and get everything else under control. It wasn’t like either of us minded. Benji was ecstatic to have another guy around. In fact he would spend every waking moment he could with Levi. 

Levi, himself, was getting better at being around Benji too. The awkwardness that he had when interacting with the toddler was starting to go away faster and faster. In fact Benji would often ask for Levi when being tucked into bed or wanting something. It was kind of endearing. 

A few hours later Levi settles Benji back in bed and comes to sit with me on the couch. The meds that Benji had to take were often too strong for him to keep awake long. Levi pecks me on the cheek before settling the computer off of my lap. 

“You’ve been staring at that for too long. You’re going to ruin your eyes.” He says, bringing me into his side. 

I chuckle and press a kiss to his neck, “Like yours? Though I will admit that I do like your glasses. They’re really good-looking.”

“What you think I’m sexier with my glasses?”

“Oh for sure.”

“I’ll remember that for later on.”

For a while we sit there just watching television in peace. It was nice just getting to spend time with Levi uninterrupted. No work, no friends, and no kids. Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not like I’m forgetting about my baby, he’ll always come first, but sometimes it was nice to have an uninterrupted moment like this.

“It’s almost Christmas you know.” Levi states out of the blue. 

I nod, “Yeah, I know. I’m still not entirely sure what to do.” 

“Why? You know your son better than anyone. Shopping for him should be easy.” 

“What–oh yeah, no I’m not worried about that. It’s more of the rest of my family I’m worried about.” 

“I can’t help there. I buy my family bottles of wine and we’re done.” I laugh at that statement, it’s just so… disconnected. Though Levi does laugh with me. The sounds reverberate in his chest, loud in my ear that’s pressed against him. I really like his laugh.

“There’s another issue though.” 

He picks up the remote to change the channel to something more interesting, neither of us were really interested in watching the Real Housewives of Miami or whatever it was. “Hm?” 

“My family wants you to fly in with us for Christmas and spend the holidays.”

He’s silent and I’m worried that I’ve royally screwed up. Perhaps it was too soon. I mean it’s been a few months past half a year since we’ve started this relationship but still so much has gone on that I think perhaps this was the wrong time to bring it up. 

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