- | Quarantine | - Part One - JRA

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First of all I want to say I'm so sorry for disappearing for awhile. I've really been going through it with a lot of shit in my life and I have had no energy to write as I've been dealing with way too many emotions. That being said I missed having an outlet and so I am going to try and channel some of that emotion into writing.

This is like a separate storyline but with the same characters and back story as the Step-Brother one I wrote before. I decided to do this because I love Renee so here's to you, Renee. ❤️

Ps, go read her stories if you don't, they're fire 😉 luvingwdw

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Jack's POV

"Therefore, all further flights to and from Seattle will be halted immediately until further notice. Next up..." I stop listening to the tv, sighing my back onto the couch. I knew it was a possibility when I decided to fly out here like I usually do that I wouldn't be able to go back home if they decided to shut down the whole state because of this crazy virus sweeping the world, but I hadn't considered just how much of a possibility it was. It wasn't that I was upset exactly, but Renee and I hadn't really discussed what happened between us since the last time I was here. We never had the time, our parents always around.

Weirdly enough however, the two had left on a business trip together just last night. It was almost as though fate was in our favor, as now we were alone yet again, and would be alone indefinitely until all this corona shit goes away.

"You're watching the news?" Speaking of Renee, she sits next to me on the couch, a confused look on her face. I understand why, it's not really a 'me' thing to watch, but I was worried about this happening so I did anyway, and now it has.

"They shut the state down." I tell her, setting the remote next to me and locking eyes with her. The tension between us is still there. I think we both figured it would've dissipated if we cut it but instead it only seemed to make it worse. Six months had passed between then and now and just looking at her tiny frame, all I wanted to do was touch her.

"Shut down? What does that mean?" She asks cutely.

"It means that flights are cancelled, including mine that I was supposed to take tomorrow morning and Dad and Jenny's for whenever they were supposed to come back." I explain. Renee's eyes widen as she seems to come to the same realization that I have. We have the house to ourselves now, just like before, except this time it'll be for longer. She exhales shakily, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Oh." She answers quietly. I take a minute to overlook her outfit of the day. She manages to still look hot as fuck in sweats and a t-shirt, and I wonder just how I ever controlled myself to begin with because I really don't feel like I have much restraint at all right now.

"Yeah so, guess I'm stuck here." We lock eyes again and I narrow mine a bit, not failing to notice how her cheeks turn pink in return. She lets out a small sigh before standing from the couch and walking in front of my sitting frame. I'm curious to know if she's just going to climb aboard my lap, and I wouldn't mind one bit. But she seems to have other plans.

"Jack, we should probably talk about what happened." She says, her voice wavering but she tries to hold her head confidently. I fiddle with the rings on my fingers. I don't want to sound like just a guy when I say this but, I don't really want to talk about it. I know she's just going to try and persuade me into thinking that it's wrong. I know in a way it is, but at the same time it doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm here more than a week at a time, like we live together or something.

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