- | Just For Fun | - Part Three - JRA

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When I wake up, my dick is hard. This isn't anything new, being a guy and all. But it doesn't help me that there's a beautiful girl laid next to me. My arm drapes over her. Her hair smells of vanilla and I'm basically drowning in it but I don't really care. And we're both fully clothed.

We talked all night into the early morning, filling up on junk food and soda. It's the first night in awhile that I stayed up late with somebody sober, but also where I didn't end up naked on top of them. The thought of fucking the shit out of Izzy never really stopped occurring to me, as it still is now, but there was something that made me feel really good about the fact that I didn't. We didn't do anything at all actually. Only talked and cuddled.

She shifts a bit, rolling to her side. I don't think anything of it really until I remember that she's wearing a skirt and notice that it is completely smushed up on her waist. I don't know when she took them off but her tights and socks are no longer on her, and so now I'm faced with staring at her bare ass, a thong resting between it. My dick presses harder against my jeans and I pull away from her, putting my hands over my face and trying not to groan in irritation.

I know she hasn't done it on purpose, but it's so unfair. Every part of me just wants to wedge my dick between her cheeks and—


I hear a small moan next to me and my head snaps to where Izzy lays. She rolls back onto her back, her eyes still shut. For a moment I think that I must've imagined it, but then her mouth opens the tiniest bit again and she moans a bit louder, her face scrunching up. I turn my head to stare at the ceiling, asking myself what I did to deserve this. I don't have enough self control for this.

"Jack." She says my name, or rather, whines it. I look at her, expecting her to have awoken, but her eyes are still shut, "ugh, please don't stop." She whines some more. At that moment I do a full 180 mentally, realizing that not only is she moaning in her sleep, but she's doing it while dreaming about me. I lift the covers up a bit to stare at my dick that is now harder than a rock in my pants.

I debate leaving, coming back in maybe an hour when she's more likely to be awake. That's stupid though, I should just wake her up so I can stop the torture. I should also probably get rid of my boner, but if I go to the bathroom and she wakes up then how would I explain? God, this is irritating. I decide I'll just wake her up right now.

"Izzy," I reach over to touch her shoulder, shaking her a bit to hopefully get her to open her eyes. This completely backfires though, as her next words are almost enough to make me cum in my pants.

"Jack, your cock feels so good." I take a deep breath, exhaling it through my nose as I try to chill the fuck out. Here I am, thinking that there's no way in hell she could ever had thought about banging me the way that I have her, and I'm proven to be extremely wrong. Suppose that does make me feel less bad about the fact I couldn't and can't stop thinking about it though.

"Isobel, wake up." I call her by her full name that I learned last night, shaking her with a little more force. I'm entirely mortified when she grabs my hand from her shoulder, wrapping it around her throat.

"Choke me, daddy." My eyes widen so big that they could probably fall out of my eye sockets and I decide to say fuck waking her up nicely. I can't do this anymore.

"Izzy!" I shout loudly, and she jumps, shooting up from her pillow and throwing a hand over her heart. I feel bad for waking her up this way, but it's honestly and truly for the best.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Izzy asks after calming down. I think about my answer. Am I okay? I don't know, not after that. Not while my dick is still hard like this.

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