- | Baby Daddy | - Part Two - JRA

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I try not to focus on my nerves as I drive towards Jack's house. I've never been there, I have no idea what it's gonna be like or what he's gonna be like. I only know that what I'm doing feels wrong, although it feels incredibly right at the same time, sort of like how it felt when he kissed me.

I think back to the moment, not stopping myself from smiling since I'm alone in my car and there's no one there to judge me. Since that's happened it's been about a week, and Jack and I have texted everyday. The consistency despite our busy schedules was crazy to me, but if he was going to put in the effort then so was I. Also since then, I hadn't seen or spoken to Gabbie other than dropping off her spare key. I didn't want to not be her friend at all, but if I was going to pursue this, I knew it was best that I distance myself.

When I pull into his driveway I take a deep breath, parking my car and trying to shake out my nerves. I open my door and walk up quickly, too afraid that if I take my time I'm just going to back out and leave because I'm too scared to actually spend the day with him. I flatten down my straightened hair and adjust the straps of my tank top before reaching forward and ringing the doorbell. Somehow my nerves find a way to increase.

The door opens shortly after and I'm greeted with Jack, dressed down like we're just going to be chilling all day. I'm pretty happy about it honestly, because I worried if he would've dressed up I would look out of place. I tried my best to look good without trying too hard. I'm not one to wear a lot of makeup but I went ahead and did a full face, still keeping it natural though. He looks gorgeous without even trying.

"Hey." I speak, my voice small and nervous. I start to play with the rings on my fingers. Jack is sliding his eyes up and down me and I feel a chill run down my back. He clears his throat after a moment, a tint forming on his cheeks. I blush at the fact he's blushing, and I realize how stupid we are that we're acting like how kids did in school.

"What's, up?" He says, opening the door wider for me to walk in, sounding awkward. I giggle as I step into his house. I'm expecting there to be someone else here because I was pretty sure that he lived with the rest of his family, but it's pretty silent other than the tv on in the living room. For some reason it makes me even more nervous to think he might have asked if he could have the house to himself so I could come over.

"Where is everyone?" I wonder, picking at the fabric of my tank. Jack chuckles at my antsy behavior.

"My two younger sisters are at school, my older sister is probably with her boyfriend and my mom and step-dad are at work." He explains this as though it would be obvious why the house is empty, and I suppose it probably was. But even so, it's making a lot of sense why he's suggested we hang out on a weekday during the day.

As I look around Jack's big, yet comfy house, I can feel his eyes watching me wherever I look, like he's concerned I might judge. He must not understand that I didn't come from money like Gabbie did.

"Your house is beautiful." I reassure him, finally bringing my attention back to him. He gives me a soft smile, before freezing me in place by cautiously reaching forward and grabbing my hand in his. I feel electricity in my fingers, and it's suddenly very hot in here. I wonder how he can do that just by grabbing my hand.

"Is this okay?" He asks, lacing our fingers together. I let out a shaky breath that I don't realize I'm holding, trying to feel comfortable while I know it's probably embarrassing that my hands are beginning to sweat from my nerves.

"Yeah." I nod, but then quickly try to change the subject so I don't vomit everywhere, "So what are we gonna do today?" Jack starts to walk with me towards the upstairs of his house and I'm assuming towards his bedroom, holding my hand along the way.

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