- | Forbidden | - Part Two - JRA

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I hear a few rapid knocks at the front door of Jonah's house, waking me from my slumber on the couch. I sit up slowly, rubbing at my eyes, wondering why in the fuck there is someone knocking this early. These thoughts continue until I look over at the clock on the tv home screen that has been on all night, where it reads that it's already 10 am. I sigh, waiting a few seconds longer to see if Jonah will rise and go to answer his own door, but realize that he probably is not going to as we got back to his place at 3 in the morning, and he was absolutely shitfaced when we arrived.

I walk towards the door when a few more hard knocks ensue, making my heart beat faster as I finally get to it and swing it open.

"Lydia?" I hear my name at the same time as I see Jack's face. My heart beats even faster if it's possible. I don't get even a second to open my mouth before he is speaking again, "what the hell? You came back to Jonah's place with him, after what we did last night?" He accuses me loudly. I push my body further out of the front door, shushing Jack in the process as I glance behind me to be sure Jonah has still not woken up.

I feel suddenly aware of how cute Jack looks even in the morning, where I can still see the tired bags under his eyes, the freckles on his cheeks glowing in the morning sun, a beanie laid sloppily across his head. I take a deep breath, ready to say something but also aware that I'm wearing the same exact clothes from last night and my make up under my eyes is probably smudged, which is not a good look.

"We didn't do anything." I say first, trying to soothe him and I immediately see the effects of it as his shoulders relax slightly, "he was really drunk so I took him home. I slept on the couch." Jack's eyebrows curl inwards and I wonder what I've said that would make him look so confused.

"You slept on the couch at your boyfriend's place?" He questions. I feel my cheeks tinting darker, completely forgetting for a moment how dumb that sounds in retrospect to what Jack thinks he knows about us. At this point, I have to only assume that he is at least suspicious of our relationship, given what transpired last night and what I've admitted to as for how far Jonah and I have taken things, but I know the idea of sleeping on the couch is even more not normal, than just not being intimate at all.

"What are you doing here?" I ask instead, trying to change the subject. Jack smirks at me, but he doesn't push further and I feel thankful.

"I'm returning the guitar I borrowed." He says simply, and I look down, not even noticing the guitar in his left hand until now. At the same time as I realize I feel an arm lightly wrap itself around my shoulder and I look up to a sleepy Jonah running a hand through his hair.

"Jack! Bro, was not expecting to see you at my house this morning." Jonah greets Jack in a way that feels casual, but the daggers Jack is throwing at his arm around my shoulder are very much not. I give him a look, and I watch as his eyes change in a flash of an instant to a look of happiness, as though the anger was never there.

"Yeah man, sorry for not giving you a heads up. I woke up mad early for some reason and figured I could bring this back." Jack lifts up the guitar and Jonah pulls me backwards with his arm as he opens the door further so Jack can step in. He does slowly, walking in to the living room where it is clear that I've made a makeshift bed on the couch. I wonder how Jonah intends to describe this away, but I don't have to wonder for long.

"Thanks man I appreciate that. Baby," he turns to look at me and I raise my eyebrow at him, knowing that I'm supposed to respond to this pet name, "did you not come to bed last night?" he says slyly, although he knows already that I was sleeping on the couch. But he is smart, even hungover, and I have to give it to him, because the question is convincing.

"Yeah I was really tired I uh, I'm... sorry." I apologize, and I do not sound even remotely as convincing. Jonah looks at me with a weird look but I know he's not going to push my weird behavior with Jack right in front of us. He leans down to kiss me on the cheek, really selling it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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