- | Baby Daddy | - Part One - JRA

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I sat on the floor of the beautiful apartment, zoning out as I stared out the window at the large and mesmerizing body of water. I wonder what it was like to have this much money, to not have to worry about it. It would certainly be way less stressful than the way I lived my life.

"Aurora!" I hear my name being shouted and snap my head quickly to my curly-haired friend before dropping my eyes down to where her daughter was previously in front of me, only to see she had crawled her way across the floor to the dining table and was trying to pull herself up on a wobbling chair. I hurry over, grabbing her before she could knock the chair on top of her.

"Shit, I'm sorry Gabs." I say, standing up and hoisting Lavender on my hip. The older infant coos at me in a way that seems appreciative although I know she doesn't really know I've just saved her life. Gabbie runs rampant around the kitchen, her long hair flying behind her as she searches for a baby spoon. I only know this because she keeps chanting it like the more she says it, the easier it'll be to find. I see one in front of me on this end of the island, grabbing it and reaching it over to her as she breathes a sigh of relief, stuffing it into the diaper bag in front of her.

I'm supposed to be watching Lavender while Gabbie tries to get all her stuff together as she apparently needs to leave right this second. As she runs from room to room she's complaining about "mom-brain" and how she's forgotten yet again one of her modeling gigs. Lav and I watch her as she does, looking at each other and then back at her a few times.

"So," Gabbie starts, finally coming to a halt in front of me as she zips up the diaper bag, "are you cool to watch Lav while I leave? I called her dad and he said he's gonna take her for the night but he's going to be like an hour." She rolls her eyes at this fact, as though she doesn't believe he could have anything else he would need to do but this, no matter how last minute it is. I'm not so much focused on her animosity towards him though, but rather, who he is.

I've met Gabbie's baby daddy a couple times. Each time it's been because Gabbie had to up and leave and I had to be the one to hand Lavender off to him. I don't know much about him, I don't even know why they broke up. But I do know that for reasons I'm not sure about, every time he's around there's a tension between us. I don't know if it's my attraction to him that I try to hide that manifests itself in a way that it shouldn't, but it's there. Because of this I don't really know how to respond to her. Gabbie is my friend, and she gets on my nerves sometimes but I'd never want to hurt her.

"Sure." I respond, despite everything that I've just thought up. Gabbie grins and then scurries to the door, throwing on her shoes and jacket before running over to us and grabbing Lav from my arms, twirling her in the air as she squeals happily.

"Thank you so much 'Rora, you have no idea how much this means to me. Everything should be in the diaper bag. If it's not, well, Jack can just buy whatever isn't." She says this matter-o-factly, because we both know he's rich.

"It's no problem, girl." I nod at her.

I know he's in a boy band, I couldn't help but to look them up as soon as I found out. This was a big mistake as I only grew to like him more as I saw his personality on screen. I've never gotten the option to really know him in person, as it wouldn't really be right of me to do so. But god, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to.

Gabbie hands the almost one year old little girl back to me after they say their goodbyes, who doesn't seem very happy about this fact. I distract her by making funny faces while Gabbie hurries to the door so she can exit without her knowing.

"Thank you again, I owe you!" She shouts, and the door slams behind her. She says this each time, and I never really know what she's gonna do to pay me back. So far, it hasn't been anything. I look down at Lavender, luckily for me she doesn't seem to be unhappy anymore. Instead, she yawns and blinks her eyes a bit. I smile at how cute she is.

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