Chapter 19- Sudden Realization

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5 weeks later

(Vic's POV)

I was at home with my baby boy. He was sound asleep in my arms. As I moved him side to side while singing a small song...

So cute in my embrace. His soft breathing, such a fragile being. His life just beginning, I smiled as he huddled against my chest. He huddled against his own father's chest.

I know Kellin will be okay, he will be fine because I have faith that his be at his son's and my side. He will be in perfect conditions. But I'm worried, the doctor is worried about Kellin's body. His legs...might not react. Tony's aunt has been kind enough to still let me keep my job at the cafe and he always come to check up on little Eric. So does my brother Mike. Plus Oli, Austin, and Alan. Jaime comes as well, but he goes to his classes and give me notes on things I miss. My teachers are very understanding. My parents have been supportive as well, including my mother-in-law, Kellin's mom.

they all visit me occasionally, for the support and the help. I've been fixing the baby stuff here and there, and instead of it all being stressing, I find it...I don't know how to explain it. But I feel warm inside when I know that everything is for my son. Even if I have to wake up in the middle of the night for Eric, I do it with joy, knowing that I'm care for the life that Kellin brought into this world he's precious to me.

I decided to place Eric in his crib, he was already asleep, and soon there was more reason to do it. The phone started ringing and I headed for it quickly, so the person wouldn't hang up.

"Mister Fuentes," a female voice said.

"Yes, that's me," I answered.

"Oh, well I'm pleased to inform you that Kellin Quinn has finally woken up and the doctor would like to see you, and I'm pretty sure Kellin himself is wishing to see you," she said cheerfully. A wide smile appeared on my face.

I quickly texted and called all the people I had to call, to tell them the best news of their lives. This was fucking happening. Kellin was waking the fuck up!


I quickly went to drop off Eric at my parents house, it hurt me to leave him, and to tell you the truth I accidentally lagged thirty minutes.

But soon I rushed off to hospital, I parked the car somewhere far, but that didn't stop my feet from running into the cold building and literally rushing up the stairs!

I went to the nurse's station where they had me sit down. I sat impatiently on an uncomfortable seat and was waiting. It felt like a fucking personal hell. Things were so fast in my mind, but so slow in reality. i was dying to see Kellin, they said he was awake, so why are they doing this.

I waited and waited and waited and waited...

"Mister Fuentes," the doctor called out. I jumped off of my seat and rushed to the doctor who was standing near the nurses station. I smiled when I saw him.

"Hey," I greeted.

"It's good to see you smiling..." he looked down at his papers.

"Well, I'm here to inform you, finally, that Kellin has woken up. But I'm also here to remind you that the problem is still there. Kellin will find difficulty walking. As I explained before." The doctor then continued explaining to me, the problem with Kellin's legs. I really couldn't focus on that though...maybe my brain just didn't want to accept it.

"So, I guess you can go in and see Kellin," he finally said the words. I walked over to the usual room where I would usually find him in a sleeping state.

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