Chapter 4- Joy For Nothing

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(Kellin's POV)

Gosh no, how can I tell them? Maybe they'll just laugh at me or brush me off! Shit!

I need to do this, I need help, I need fucking support!

I knocked on the door. I was waiting but somewhere in me I got so impatient! I banged my fist on the door.

"Holy fuck, I'm coming," I heard the English accent and somehow I managed to just panic more. I was about to run off when HE opened the door.

"Kellin," he yelled in excitement.

"Hey Oli," I waved. He pulled me in for a hug.

"I haven't seen you in a while, my little bitch." I immediately stopped.

"I am nobody's bitch!" I exclaimed. He made a weird face but then I was interrupted by another voice.

"Sure, you're nobody's bitch. I bet you you go around screaming in bed that your Vic's bitch," it was Austin leaning on the wall with his tall, cool, handsome- Stop it Kellin!

"Sooo... You called us over for what exactly?" Austin asked. My eyes shot to the ground and I felt scared.

"Hey mate, don't pressure him. Has something got you down Kellin," Oli asked in a soothing voice. He placed his arm around my shoulders.

"Come on let's sit," Austin offered. We all headed to the couch and there I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst into tears and the two men in front of me obviously panicked.

"Shit, are you okay? Kellin, what the fuck is up?!" Austin exclaimed.

"I... I... I... Uuugh!" I couldn't even talk.

"Aww, Kells did you cheat on Vic with someone?" Oli asked.

"Oh my gosh nooo!" I cried.

"Okay, shut up you baby! Tell us what's going on!" Austin yelled, so I decided to yell.

"I think I'm pregnant!" I yelled. This was as big news alright.

Their faces, priceless!

Austin has his mouth open in shock, and Oli covered his blush with his hands.

"Dang, Vic's been banging you! You've got yourself knocked the fuck up!" Austin yelled.

"Shut up Austin. This is... Serious, or well..." He didn't have words for this.

"I'm sorry for bringing this on you guys. I mean what do you guys know about babies? But Vic do isn't know and I don't know how to approach him about these types of things. He has a job and is going to start college soon! How the fuck do you think I'm just gonna fucking show up and tell him, 'HEY BABE, I'M PREGNANT. GO WORK YOUR ASS OFF FOR BABY KELLIN AND THE BABY' Oh sure that's gonna be just fine," I whined. They were still in their moment of shock.

"Okay calm down. You know I think it's good you came here first," Austin said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you just ranted on and on right now and we didn't even ask for details," he answered.

I then threw myself on top of Oli and started crying.

"Hey Kells, are you sure about what you're telling us now? Like one hundred percent sure?" Oli asked, slowly stroking my hair to sooth me. Oli knew what ways to sooth me, not romantically. But just in a friendly way that always calmed me. My blood would be hot, fucking boiling, and he would come with his friendly calm approach and cool down the fire within me.

Can You Love Me Just A Little Bit More?((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now