Chapter 8- Don't You Try To Blame This On Me!

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(Vic's POV)

Who the hell does he think he is? What the fuck? Coming up to me trying to hug me. Doesn't he feel fucking guilty? Fucking Kellin!

I locked myself in MY room and ignored that he was calling out to me front the other side of the door. How does it feel now? You know what, I'm going to have to face him eventually. I'll listen to his bullshit lies and get it over with. I opened the door. Soon Kellin was attacking me with his hugs.

"Vic, I was so worried about you," He yelled. Way to keep up a lie.

"Oh, you were?" I asked. He looked at me confused.

"Yes, I was." He answered plainly.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. This was fucking pissing me off. How can he do this? It's me, the person who opened the doors to him. And he just brushes me off like nothing.

"If you missed me so much, then it didn't bother you when you were running along hand in hand with Oli Sykes!?" I yelled at him. He looked scared at my sudden reaction, but I noticed when he realized what I said.

"With Oli?" He questioned.

"Oh don't act like we both don't know! Remember the text I sent you? Do you remember your fucking reply? I'm at home watching a movie! Do you remember your reply? Do you think I'm stupid? I saw you with him!" I yelled in his face. Yelling wouldn't cover it, I was screaming.

"You... you" He stuttered.

"You what? What Kellin, what lie are you going to come up with?" I yelled.

"You... You were fucking following me?!" He yelled back at me.

"Oh what the fuck Kellin? Are you going to make me look like the bad guy!?"

This suddenly became an argument, and I'm sure we've never had one like this ever in our relationship.

"Are you serious Kellin? How the fuck could you go against my back? How could you do this to me? Why did you lie to me? Couldn't you just tell me the truth instead of going and breaking me like this?" I was bursting into anger-filled tears.

"First of all bitch! I don't like Oli! Second, dumbass! You're one to talk! You've got secrets too! Fucking jackass!" He took fights to a whole new level. But I was confused by his sudden statement, and I'm sure he had something to back up what he was saying.

"Who's Jaime? Huh? Why don't you answer me Vic?" He came up to me and hit my chest.

"You think you can keep a secret from me Vic? He yelled.

"Oh what? So because I keep a secret that means you're going to be a whore and go off with your friends and go behind my back?" I yelled.

"I'm a whore? I'm pretty sure you had a fun time with Jaime these past two days! Or are you going to deny the fact that you left for two days without saying a word. Who were you with bitch? Why don't YOU answer me?" That was it! Kellin crossed the fucking line.

I grabbed Kellin by his arm, and I could hear him telling me that I was hurting him, but at the moment the anger that was flowing through me didn't let me hear anything. It didn't let me feel anything. No emotion, if I wasn't mad, I wouldn't be doing this.

I grabbed Kellin, I opened the door to the apartment and before I knew it I pushed him out. I saw as he fell to the ground. Before he could move, before he could say a word, and before I could regret my choice. I closed the door in his face. I locked it.

I kicked my boyfriend out and I feel terrible!

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