Meals, leftovers, and invites

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This meal made me very bipolar. I mean this dinner is the worlds BEST meal. And I have opal over! I don't know what to do!
I eat my helping of yam ham noodles and glance at Opal. She looks at me. I look down. My palms start to moisten with sweat just looking at her foxy unibrow.
I immediately change my sweatband from white (annoyance) to purple (nervousness).
I cut my vegan ball to release the steamy flavor of hotness. I poke it with my sport (the worlds most creepy utensil). I open my mouth. I start to bring the ball for vegans close to my mouth. I was interrupted.
"Jimuel! I haven't seen you in a while! Stop over sometime!", said Mrs. Opals mom.
"Do you have organic orange peelings?" Said I.
"I-I guess we could whip some up...if I can find out what they are." I heard her mumble the last part quietly probably trying to make it quiet so I won't hear.
Surprise my heart is better than my dogs seeing...
I don't have a dog
My humor is delicious.
Opal and mrs. Opals mom get up to finally leave. They barely ate.
"Well we better get going. Ms. Jimuel's mother and the meal was delicious.", said mrs. Opals mom.
"Wait you didn't fini-" I start to yell.
My mom interrupts.
"They can take some leftovers home!" She said.
Opals face was filled with disgust. I must be sweating again.
They quickly run out my door.
"Jimuel, you can take the leftovers to them tomorrow." My mother said.
"Ugggggg fine mother. Have it your way!"
"Get your beauty rest... You need a lot!!!!"
I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I can't just like an emu when it's his passing time or when he is in the emu hunting net.
Again my eye sockets trickle with tears but I run upstairs.
I fall asleep playing digcraft again.

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