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Title: Average

Author: Chlobirdlover

Plot: (8)/10

(Original; 9-10 Points)

(A Little Used; 7-8 Points)

(Seen it a Few Times Before; 5-6 Points)

(Getting Too Used; 3-4 Points)

(Tiresome; 0-2 Points)

-I do believe I have seen a few plots similar to this one, but again you put your own twist to it.

Grammar: (2.5)/5

(0-3 Mistakes; 4-5 Points)

(4-6 Mistakes; 3-4 Points)

(7-10 Mistakes; 2-3 Points)

(10+ Mistakes; 0-2 Points)

Grammatical errors is based on how long the novel is

-There were grammatical errors such as misspelled words, apostrophes, and comma usage. A word that was misspelled a lot was the word "my". I think you were attempting to use a different word but didn't use the one you intended, so look out for that. A BIG issue I had with the grammar in this book was your commas. There were a lot of sentences that had commas connecting two sentences into one without a condti acting conjunction. Those sentences should really have been two separate sentences instead of one with a comma connecting them because they also didn't have the same idea with them.

Characters: (10)/15

(Well Developed; 12-15 Points)

(Developed; 8-11 Points)

(Understood; 5-7 Points)

(Difficult to Understand; 3-4 Points)

(Confusing; 0-2 Points)

-The way this book started was right off the bat with Nia in the present day. My issue with this was that Nia wasn't really given a specific personality like the others, so it made it more difficult to relate to her in a sense. She really could've been brought to life more in the first few chapters than she really was. I would like more of an onsite to her brain and emotions.

Layout: (3.5)/5

(Perfect; 5 Points)

(Good; 4 Points)

(Understood; 3 Points)

(Difficult to Understand; 2 Points)

(Confusing; 0-1 Points)

Layout in terms of correct paragraphs, dialogue, etc.

-Again, the layout. You can't have two separate characters speaking in the same paragraph. That is what I happened to find a number of times in this book. A new paragraph when a new character speaks than the previous when or when a new idea is introduced!

Descriptions: (8)/15 Points

(Extremely Well Described; 14-15 Points)

(Well Described; 11-13 Points)

(Understandable; 7-10 Points)

(Difficult to Imagine; 4-6 Points)

(Confusing; 0-3 Points)

Descriptions of Scenes

-When the killings happen, I would like the scene to be described more. It was very much, Nia found the person. It didn't describe the atmosphere around her, the person that was killed and their appearance, and what Nia may've looked like when she saw the person. The main thing that draws a person into a book is their ability to imagine the scene as if it was happening right in front of them at that very moment, and what makes that happen is the details and descriptions.

Likability: (5)/5

(Dying to Read More; 5 Points)

(Wanting to Read More; 4 Points)

(Not On My Mind 24/7; 3 Points)

(Not My Favorite; 2 Points)

(Can't Read It; 0-1 Points)

The plot to this story happens to be more intriguing that others I have read. It has a suspense to it that makes the reader want to read more.

Does This Book Have A Future: (4)/5

(Most Definitaly; 5 Points)

(I Think So; 4 Points)

(One Hit Wonder; 3 Points)

(I'm not Sure; 2 Points)

(No; 0-1 Points)

Comments: The suspense of this book was very well managed without revealing too much of the book, but really make sure you watch those grammatical errors because it can really make the book go down hill. Also, the title of this book throws me off a bit. I don't get how this fits into the story at all. "Average" and the picture of Nia makes me think this story is about Nia being one of the average dancers and her struggle to overcome it. It seems as if the title and look of the book compared to the plot are two very different things. For this I docked a few points off of the final score.

Total: (29)/60

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