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Title: Shine

Author: Dance_Moms_Craze

Plot: (1)/10

(Original; 9-10 Points)

(A Little Used; 7-8 Points)

(Seen it a Few Times Before; 5-6 Points)

(Getting Too Used; 3-4 Points)

(Tiresome; 0-2 Points)

I have seen this plot so many times before it has gotten tiresome. It was Mackenzie being put down Abby because of her sister's success she was yet to have. Now, it is possible to make this plot more original, however this one did not do that.

Grammar: (3)/5

(0-3 Mistakes; 4-5 Points)

(4-6 Mistakes; 3-4 Points)

(7-10 Mistakes; 2-3 Points)

(10+ Mistakes; 0-2 Points)

Grammatical errors is based on how long the novel is

The mistakes in this novel were mostly to do with commas. Most of the time you would place them before a conjunction, but the sentence was an independent clause and therefore the comma was not necessary. I also did catch some spelling errors and a few capitalization errors throughout.

Characters: (2)/15

(Well Developed; 12-15 Points)

(Developed; 8-11 Points)

(Understood; 5-7 Points)

(Difficult to Understand; 3-4 Points)

(Confusing; 0-2 Points)

The characters in this story had nothing special about them. They had no background, you do not know what they like and dislike, their fears, what makes they happy. All these things help a character to become well developed and in this story that is where it lacked.

Layout: (3.5)/5

(Perfect; 5 Points)

(Good; 4 Points)

(Understood; 3 Points)

(Difficult to Understand; 2 Points)

(Confusing; 0-1 Points)

Layout in terms of correct

paragraphs, dialogue, etc.

The layout was good, yes, however the paragraphs were too long. They could have easily been cut down into multiple ones to help to reader better understand the point you are trying to get across. Another issue I had was that there were only three chapters and an epilogue. The major problem with this is that those chapters were so long. It can be difficult to keep readers engaged with long chapters.

Descriptions: (1)/15 Points

(Extremely Well Described; 14-15 Points)

(Well Described; 11-13 Points)

(Understandable; 7-10 Points)

(Difficult to Imagine; 4-6 Points)

(Confusing; 0-3 Points)

Descriptions of Scenes

The scenes in this book were very difficult to understand if you have never seen Dance Moms before. Once they would be in the dressing room then all of a sudden, in the very next paragraph, they would be at the competition. When you add the details necessary into the story, you make a book more captivating an your story line becomes much more apparent.

Likability: (2)/5

(Dying to Read More; 5 Points)

(Wanting to Read More; 4 Points)

(Not On My Mind 24/7; 3 Points)

(Not My Favorite; 2 Points)

(Can't Read It; 0-1 Points)

People like this plot sometimes, but I am not one of those people. When it has been seen so many times it becomes almost difficult to finish because she know what is going to happen. Therefore, the score is in both my opinion and those readers who do like these stories.

Does This Book Have A Future: (1.5)/5

(Most Definitaly; 5 Points)

(I Think So; 4 Points)

(One Hit Wonder; 3 Points)

(I'm not Sure; 2 Points)

(No; 0-1 Points)

Occasionally, people like the plot presented in your book. However, now days that plot has been done so much the readers look for ones that are captivating. Therefore, there may or may not be a future for this book.

Comments: My main issue with this book was the plot. Had there been something special about it I would have given it a much higher score. Another issue was the characters and how the reader did not know much about them. If you fix the thins that are needed to be fixed, this book could actually be pretty good.

Total: (14)/60

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