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Title: Irreplaceable
Author: madisonzieglerr

Plot: (3)/10
(Original; 9-10 Points)
(A Little Used; 7-8 Points)
(Seen it a Few Times Before; 5-6 Points)
(Getting Too Used; 3-4 Points)
(Tiresome; 0-2 Points)
Okay, so it's not that the plot was getting too used, it's that there was no creativity behind it. So in a sense, yes, it was too used. However, that is not my point. My point is that it was just boring. You needed to add moments of spark to the story. That would boost its creativity and number of times it has been used.

Grammar: (1.5)/5
(0-3 Mistakes; 4-5 Points)
(4-6 Mistakes; 3-4 Points)
(7-10 Mistakes; 2-3 Points)
(10+ Mistakes; 0-2 Points)
Grammatical errors is based on how long the novel is
You need to learn to use exclamation points wisely. Exclamation points are used to make a sentence pop, to give it excitement or anger. The issue you had was that you used three exclamation points in the same paragraph, one follow each sentence of the paragraph. That does not allow for a juxtaposition between the sentences to help allow this type of punctuation to do its job.
You also need to learn to cut out unnecessary words. For example, in one sentence you said, "I can't seem to understand..." The seem is not necessary. When you can cut out those types of words, it allows the reader to help understand the point you are trying to get across without having to do a lot of work.

Characters: (2.5)/15
(Well Developed; 12-15 Points)
(Developed; 8-11 Points)
(Understood; 5-7 Points)
(Difficult to Understand; 3-4 Points)
(Confusing; 0-2 Points)
Okay, so I was able to understand the characters enough to figure out who they were. However, I think this is because I have seen the show Dance Moms and understand who the people are in real life. If I had never seen the show, I would have been extremely confused. Even with seeing the show I was confused. I think this is because the storyline moved too quickly for the readers to get a good sense of who each character is.

Layout: (1)/5
(Perfect; 5 Points)
(Good; 4 Points)
(Understood; 3 Points)
(Difficult to Understand; 2 Points)
(Confusing; 0-1 Points)
Layout in terms of correct paragraphs, dialogue, etc.
I am not happy at I have to say this again, but here it goes because it needs to be fixed. If the character that was speaking last is the same as the character that is next to speak, DO NOT START A NEW PARAGRAPH. That is all I will say about that.
Also, sometimes you add spaced in between paragraphs and sometimes you don't. Please justify which you are choosing to do because it makes it very difficult for the reader to understand.

Descriptions: (3)/15 Points
(Extremely Well Described; 14-15 Points)
(Well Described; 11-13 Points)
(Understandable; 7-10 Points)
(Difficult to Imagine; 4-6 Points)
(Confusing; 0-3 Points)
Descriptions of Scenes
The scenes in this book made little sense to me. I would think this is because you never went into much depth of everything a scene should have; smell, color, brightness, people around the character, thoughts, feelings, location, etc.

Likability: (1)/5
(Dying to Read More; 5 Points)
(Wanting to Read More; 4 Points)
(Not On My Mind 24/7; 3 Points)
(Not My Favorite; 2 Points)
(Can't Read It; 0-1 Points)
I really do apologize for this, but I could not bring myself to finish the book.

Does This Book Have A Future: (2)/5
(Most Definitaly; 5 Points)
(I Think So; 4 Points)
(One Hit Wonder; 3 Points)
(I'm not Sure; 2 Points)
(No; 0-1 Points)
I gave this a two because despite the fact that I had many issues with this book, some people may like it, and based on how many reads, comments, and likes it has gotten, that appears to be true.

Comments: If you really go in and correct some of the things I mentioned in this review, I think this book has some really good potential. However, I will, say that the scene with Gino and Maddie kissing in the rain was quite a bit too cliché for me. Keep on working hard and this book will have a bright future.

Total: (14)/60

Quick note: Please go check out my book, Set Me Free! I have a good feeling that quite a few of you guys will like it!

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