Runaway Dancer

77 3 0

Title: Runaway Dancer
Author: Rainbowbutterflies10

Plot: (4)/10
(Original; 9-10 Points)
(A Little Used; 7-8 Points)
(Seen it a Few Times Before; 5-6 Points)
(Getting Too Used; 3-4 Points)
(Tiresome; 0-2 Points)
How many times have I seen the plot of Maddie getting bullied because everyone thinks her life is something it's not? Too many. However, you added a little spin on the story and was not the most creative choice, I will give you credit for that.

Grammar: (3)/5
(0-3 Mistakes; 4-5 Points)
(4-6 Mistakes; 3-4 Points)
(7-10 Mistakes; 2-3 Points)
(10+ Mistakes; 0-2 Points)
Grammatical errors is based on how long the novel is
Most of the grammatical mistakes had to do with commas and periods. Most of the time you would use a period in front of an independent clause where there was none needed. Also, you tended to repeat the phrase "even though" numerous times in a paragraph. This can easily be avoided by using phrases such as; however and despite the fact.

Characters: (5)/15
(Well Developed; 12-15 Points)
(Developed; 8-11 Points)
(Understood; 5-7 Points)
(Difficult to Understand; 3-4 Points)
(Confusing; 0-2 Points)
The characters are understood, however the reader would most likely enjoy reading this book more if they could relate more to the characters. When we know more, it is easier to relate.

Layout: (1.5)/5
(Perfect; 5 Points)
(Good; 4 Points)
(Understood; 3 Points)
(Difficult to Understand; 2 Points)
(Confusing; 0-1 Points)
Layout in terms of correct paragraphs, dialogue, etc.
My main issue with the layout was how the dialogue was formatted. Most of the time, I would find a spoken sentence in the middle of a paragraph by a different character than one that spoke at the beginning of the paragraph. When you introduce a new idea or a new character speaks than one before, you begin a new paragraph.

Descriptions: (3.5)/15 Points
(Extremely Well Described; 14-15 Points)
(Well Described; 11-13 Points)
(Understandable; 7-10 Points)
(Difficult to Imagine; 4-6 Points)
(Confusing; 0-3 Points)
Descriptions of Scenes
There could be so many more descriptions in this book of the scenes. There are so many chances in this book to tell what it smells like, how light it is, what surrounds the character, etc. It would be so much more fun to read if you could apply this concept.

Likability: (2)/5
(Dying to Read More; 5 Points)
(Wanting to Read More; 4 Points)
(Not On My Mind 24/7; 3 Points)
(Not My Favorite; 2 Points)
(Can't Read It; 0-1 Points)
I found it interesting, yes, but it was not one of my favorites.

Does This Book Have A Future: (2)/5
(Most Definitaly; 5 Points)
(I Think So; 4 Points)
(One Hit Wonder; 3 Points)
(I'm not Sure; 2 Points)
(No; 0-1 Points)

Comments: This book was good but it still has a lot to improve on. Go into more depth of the characters and the scenes and it will definitely get more attention.

Total: (21)/60

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