Gone Girl

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Title: Gone Girl
Author: californiaadventure

Plot: (8.5)/10
(Original; 9-10 Points)
(A Little Used; 7-8 Points)
(Seen it a Few Times Before; 5-6 Points)
(Getting Too Used; 3-4 Points)
(Tiresome; 0-2 Points)
I've seen some Maddie murder Fanfics before, but this one does have things that make it unique. For example, I love the plot twist at the end when we find out who did it. It was quite different.

Grammar: (4)/5
(0-3 Mistakes; 4-5 Points)
(4-6 Mistakes; 3-4 Points)
(7-10 Mistakes; 2-3 Points)
(10+ Mistakes; 0-2 Points)
Grammatical errors is based on how long the novel is
I have to admit... I did not see that many mistakes. However, just be cautious of repeating the same words or phrases more that once in the same paragraph. An example of this can be found near the begining of the story when you were trying to have the detective talk about Paige. He referred to her as "that girl" twice in the same paragraph. Try to use some different pronouns instead.

Characters: (12)/15
(Well Developed; 12-15 Points)
(Developed; 8-11 Points)
(Understood; 5-7 Points)
(Difficult to Understand; 3-4 Points)
(Confusing; 0-2 Points)
You get a pretty good sense of who the character are, but I wished we knew a tad bit more about them so that it was easier for readers to connect better with the story.

Layout: (4.5)/5
(Perfect; 5 Points)
(Good; 4 Points)
(Understood; 3 Points)
(Difficult to Understand; 2 Points)
(Confusing; 0-1 Points)
Layout in terms of correct paragraphs, dialogue, etc.

Descriptions: (14)/15 Points
(Extremely Well Described; 14-15 Points)
(Well Described; 11-13 Points)
(Understandable; 7-10 Points)
(Difficult to Imagine; 4-6 Points)
(Confusing; 0-3 Points)
Descriptions of Scenes

Likability: (5)/5
(Dying to Read More; 5 Points)
(Wanting to Read More; 4 Points)
(Not On My Mind 24/7; 3 Points)
(Not My Favorite; 2 Points)
(Can't Read It; 0-1 Points)
I really enjoyed this book and the mystery effect that kept me engaged the whole time. It had interesting plot twists as well. These things made it very likable.

Does This Book Have A Future: (5)/5
(Most Definitaly; 5 Points)
(I Think So; 4 Points)
(One Hit Wonder; 3 Points)
(I'm not Sure; 2 Points)
(No; 0-1 Points)

Comments: Overall, I really enjoyed reading this, and I found that the overall story line was good. If your looking to edit this stroy in the future to further it more, my only suggestion would be to advance your dialong and descriptions a bit more in terms of using more captivating words and interesting sentence structures.

Total: (53)/60

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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