Chapter 17

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2 years later

After that day in the park. I didn't here from Ryker I haven't in a long time. Two years in fact. I did end up moving with my dad for the remainder of school. And I started training for his business. The hotel and the gang. My major is in business. If you would have told me that I would be in college to train for my dads business a couple year ago I would have believed you. But however I agreed to it because I realized I'm good at it. The dark moons are very loyal to me. But I'm not running them my dad is still but if anything happens to him that what I'd be doing right now. That leads me to my minor. It's in acting. Because that's another thing I'm good at. Jess and I  are collage dorm roommates. Justin and her split a year ago. He knew were Ryker was and didn't tell us. That's not why they split though. I'm doing a lot better. I'm head out to Starbucks to meet my boyfriend his name is drake he's good to me. He nicer and doesn't cause me stress. I walk in the cafe and kiss him on the cheek he gets me coffee. He has dark brown hair and green eyes. We talk for awhile then he head out I stay behind to do work. I hear a familiar voice order coffee then. I look up. Ryker

The end is near I'm so sorry guys but I hope you enjoyed this book I had a change in plans on the ending. I just didn't know how to end it. I love you guys look out for the new book please and share this one.

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