Chapter 10

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It's the end of the school year ryker, Justin and Jess and I all gathered around to celebrate at jesses and I house. Jess still dosent like ryker but I've noticed she has little crush on Justin. Kind of funny if you ask me. Eric is supposed to be coming back today I feel distant with him. He came home spring break. We hung out but we didn't really do anything I kind of just wanted to hangout with ryker he makes things interesting we do new things every time we see each other. "Okay mel it's your turn" Jess said. I look at her then the game we are playing I grab the dice. And roll. Damn I'm in jail! I yell. Haha ryker laughs at me. "Don't worry I'll get you out" said justin. As we were playing the game someone knocked on the door. I'll get it. I got up and opened the door. Eric was standing there. Eric um hi I hugged him. Hey Mel I've missed you lots luckily I'm back now. Can I come in though. I stare blankly then finally blurt yes! Eric walks in and stops

Eric's pov

What is Ryker doing here?! We all got together to celebrate the end of the year. Mel looked at me nervously. I don't know why but I got angry and stormed out. I mean I'm not stupid I've noticed they have gotten closer he posts how he  is hanging out with her all the time. And they are always hanging out. If I hadn't had to leave I would be the one closer to her any of this would not be happening right now. I got in the car and left.  Mel ran after me then stopped. I got home and laid on my bed thinking about that party were I meet her she was the cutest girl there and rykers a dick I don't understand why she likes him or did. Ima take her on a date remind her of why we got together. I can't loose her not now not ever.

Next day
Mel's POV

I hope Eric's not mad. Sigh.

A text from Eric.

Wanna go on a date?

Guess he isn't mad. That's good. Better get ready.


I got up took a shower. When I got out I started drying my hair. And then I got dress I put on black ripped jeans a white white tank with a green cardigan. I put my hair in a side braid and went downstairs. Hey! Mel your wake! "Want some food?" Jesses mom asked. Yes please.
Few hours later

*knock knock*

Eric must be here I'm going out okay. Wait I need to talk to you real quick. Okay what's up. I'm worried about you. Why? You been hanging out with Ryker a lot all summer then your Boyfriend comes back. Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Because I know deep down inside to still have feelings for Ryker. Whatever I'm going now.

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