Part VI (END)

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They had reverted back to the awkward silence after that little incident.

Taeyeon was now sitting at the corner, silently berating herself, while Tiffany hadn't moved an inch from her seat on the foot of the bed.

It took everything in Tiffany to suppress the flutter and all the overflowing emotions that were rampaging inside. That little slip up had somehow rekindled her hope and confidence.

Because maybe Taeyeon wasn't really convinced with her choice after all. Maybe she still had a chance to get Taeyeon back. Maybe they could talk things through and be happy again. Together.

After a few more minutes, Taeyeon started to fan herself with the piece of paper she had discarded earlier. The room's temperature kept increasing and since she was sitting on the floor where the heating system was, the heat was affecting her a lot more than it did Tiffany.

Tiffany noticed Taeyeon fidgeting. She also felt the warmth but she was too preoccupied with her thoughts and feelings that she didn't really think much about it.

"Just take off your sweater," she finally commented when Taeyeon started pulling on the collar of her sweater while fanning even more furiously.

"I'm not wearing a tank top," said Taeyeon shyly. "So? Not like I haven't seen it."


When Taeyeon still wouldn't do anything, Tiffany stood up to open Sunny's wardrobe, in search of something Taeyeon could change into.

"Here." She gave Taeyeon the tank top she had found among Sunny's clothes. "Go change."

"Thanks." Taeyeon quickly went to the bathroom.

Tiffany sat back down on the bed, waiting for Taeyeon while going over the thoughts in her head. As annoyed as she was with the childish matchmaking attempt her friends were doing, she had to admit that she was glad for the opportunity to be alone with Taeyeon again even for just a few short hours.

The bathroom door soon opened and out came Taeyeon, dressed in Sunny's gray tank top. She was carrying the thick sweater she had taken off.

"Aren't you warm?" asked Taeyeon when she saw Tiffany still wearing her cardigan.

"A little."

"Only a little? It's like an oven in here," she commented as she threw her sweater on top of the pile of coats.

Tiffany noticed the glimmer around Taeyeon's neck that led down to a circular shape hidden underneath the thin gray fabric. "He gave that to you?"


Tiffany gestured towards Taeyeon's neck. "You're wearing couple rings as necklaces now?"

"Um... no," answered Taeyeon hesitantly. Her hand went up to hold the ring, covering it as she walked away, back to the corner.

"Don't sit on the floor. It's warmer." Tiffany then stood up. "Switch." "What?"

"Switch. You can sit on the bed. I'll take the floor," said Tiffany as she approached Taeyeon.

"You can sit on the chair, you know," replied Taeyeon, stepping away from Tiffany as soon as the latter came close.

She couldn't help but feel hurt to see Taeyeon try so hard to avoid her. "You seem to want as much distance between us as possible so I don't mind taking the floor," she said bluntly.

The guilt Taeyeon felt stopped her from defending herself. She just walked towards the bed in silence, under Tiffany's watchful eyes, and sat down with her hand still holding her necklace.

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