Part I

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Taeyeon turned her head when she sensed someone taking a seat on the barstool next to her.

"What are you having?" asked Tiffany. 

"Just beer."

"How many bottles now?" 

"It's my third."

"I had expected more. Three's not that bad considering how long you've been sitting here," said Tiffany before she raised her hand, beckoning the bartender over. "I'd like a Vodka Martini, please."

"Are you James Bond?" commented Taeyeon while taking another swig from her half-empty bottle.

"No wiseass comments tonight, Taetae. I'm not in the mood," said Tiffany as she snatched the beer from Taeyeon's hand and emptied it in one go.

"Bartender, another beer please," Taeyeon told the second bartender who happened to pass them.

"Make that two," added Tiffany. "Didn't you just order a drink?"

"You know one drink is never enough," answered Tiffany right as her first order arrived. She immediately took a sip.

"Why aren't you with them?"

 "They don't even know I'm gone."

Taeyeon swiveled around, searching the noisy casino floor for her friends. She finally saw Sooyoung's tall head above a group of people around her and noticed the loud cheering. "Well, they sure are having fun."

"They were having a lucky streak when I left them. Never knew Yuri could do well in blackjack. Probably beginner's luck though. Could run out soon."

"Sooyoung's at the craps table now," said Taeyeon as she once again spun around, facing the bar and the cold bottle that had been put there while she was looking away. She took hold of it and drank.

"Really?" Tiffany asked after setting her empty cocktail glass on the counter.

 "Yeah. Hey, you finished your drink already?"


"Can I assume that you're still pissed at him?"

"A little." Tiffany then reached out for the bottle of beer next to Taeyeon's. "I'd say a lot. You only drink like this after a painful break-up."

Tiffany shrugged, not denying it.

They spent the next minute sitting on the black stools, drinking their beers quietly.

"We're such fun people, aren't we? Look at how we're spending our first night in Vegas," remarked Taeyeon after ordering yet another round for the both of them. She had started to feel light-headed but she wasn't planning on stopping any time soon. Her plan for the night was to just drink until she couldn't hear the thoughts in her head or feel her weary heart.

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