Final Note

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Hey everybody! Wow, it feels so good to be back on Wattpad. I've missed the Damirae fandom so much!! You guys don't know how happy and shocked I was to see that you all were STILL reading and voting for my one-shots. I mean what? That's crazy!! I'm so sorry for just up and leaving you guys for such a long period of time, but during that time I'd been dealing with a lot of personal things and I needed a break from everything for a little while.

Now, I know that there's this whole pandemic thing going and people are afraid and overwhelmed and bored at home. I'll be honest, I've been bored and a bit worried as well, but I haven't lost hope that things will turn out okay. I've been trying my best to keep positive about everything that's been going on and I want to help as many people as I can remain calm as well. So, if you guys need anyone to talk to I will try to be on Wattpad a lot more often now, so don't hesitate to message me and my socially-awkward self will do her best to support you all as you have supported me! 💕

One more thing. A few of you have messaged me and asked me to continue writing Damirae one-shots. I still totally ship it (duh) and I would love to get back to writing short chapters for you all, but, unfortunately, I've kind of lost my passion for writing. I started writing this and my other stories back when I was twelve. Meaning I went over everything my past self wrote and published and I'm cringing so hard right now. I'm so sorry to disappoint, but hopefully you will enjoy what my dorky twelve-year-old self has already written since I won't be deleting anything. I'm going to regret it later, but oh well. It's been fun and I thank every single one of you for joining me on this journey. Love you all and stay safe!

Quick moment to roast past me: Why the hell did you use so many dots? Like-
Anyway I'm done. XxDamiraeXx signing off for the final time.

~DamiraeForever ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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