Not an update!

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I know that this has absolutely nothing to do with Damirae, but I'm about to go on a small rant about Avengers: Infintiy War because I just have to say that I. Am. Shooketh!


Before I begin I would just like to say this: If you haven't watched Marvel: Infinity war yet and you do not appreciate spoilers (or you just don't like Marvel), then I recommend that you STOP reading this! There are loads of spoilers in this rant! I warned you!

Okay, so I know many of you may be upset that this is not an update, but I just have to let this out.

Yesterday, I went to go see Marvel: Infinity War with my friends for my birthday. (I wanted to celebrate yesterday because I figured everyone else would be busy today.) Anyway, first things first, I would just like to say that I loved this movie. A part of me just.... hated it at the same time. I hate how it ended. Such a huge cliffhanger! I mean, if this even makes any sense, this was the best worst movie I have ever seen. As of right now, I've lost so many of my favorite heroes!

Now, before you say anything, I know that there is a chance that they will bring the heroes back, but the events that took place in this movie broke me. When Black Panther dissapeared I wanted to give up on life completely.  It felt a bit weird to see him go after his movie just came out.

Also, when Spiderman told Iron man that he didn't want to leave, and he disappeared as well. That part almost made me cry because he's a little sweetheart! I nearly fangirled at the part where he got his new suit. He's grown up so much!

There was also the part when Thanos killed Gamora

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There was also the part when Thanos killed Gamora. I felt bad for him, but I hated him with a passion. I understood what he was going though at that moment, but he was also very selfish in my opinion. He could use a hug or two...or a thousand.

Some people are completely ticked off that Iron man didn't die, which I honestly don't understand. They are angry at the fact that he's escaped death at least five times. He has developed so much too. How could you not like him? He's amazing!  As Doctor Strange said, there was no other way.

Now, there are a few rumors going around about the characters that died. That they will be brought back. But, some also say that the characters that don't die, will. For good. I would just like to know...what do you guys think?

Honestly, I'm seriously hoping that they will bring some DC characters in this. That. Would. Be. Awesome!

Well, that's the end of my rant. Again, I had to let that out. Plus, I would really like some opinions from other people. If anyone even cared enough to read this, feel free to let me know in the comments! 😂

Damirae:OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now