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Day in and day out, it was exactly the same. Gevanni would observe Mikami and his notebook. Rester would help Near sort through everything. Lidner remained undercover as Takada's bodyguard. Birdie stayed with Misa and Mogi, talking with Misa and therefore allowing Mogi a moment's rest. Light would continue to meet with Takada. Mikami would go about his daily routine. Allison would continuously check her phone, sometimes texting someone back, and never willing to tell me whom she was texting. Day after day, the clock ticked by, and I would help out where I could. Then, finally, a date was set. Near and L would finally meet face-to-face.

"No matter how you look at it, not everyone will be walking out of it alive," I said as we walked towards the room where Birdie, Misa, and Mogi were.

"How is that?" Allison asked. "If Kira loses, won't he be taken into custody?"

"Probably," I said in agreement, "but I'm sure he'd rather die than have that happen."

"I guess," she admitted. "...Patience?"

"Huh?" I noticed that she had stopped walking, so I did the same. "What is it?"

"What do you think?" she asked. "Do you think that Amane... that she killed May?"

I was silent for a minute before I spoke up. "The odds that Misa Amane is Kira are slim to none," I assured her.

"Patience!" Allison said angrily, running up and grabbing my shoulder to stop me from walking away. "That isn't an answer, and you know it! Tell me."

I sighed but relented. "We don't know much about the Death Note or how it works." She was about to object to my lack of an answer, but I gave her a look that told her I wasn't done yet. "I didn't tell Birdie, but the person who asked for someone to call an ambulance when May died was definitely a Japanese woman. The Japanese woman knew May's name, and the first thing she did when she got to May wasn't check on her, but hang up May's cellphone.
"I would say without a doubt that Amane did it-everything points to her, but when she talked to Birdie about May... You could hear the pain in her voice; she wasn't acting. She seemed to genuinely care about May."

"You're right," Allison said, "she definitely wasn't acting. I saw her guest star in an episode of Hideki Ryuga's last show; she's not that good of an actress."

I nodded but looked at Allison gravely, a warning in my eyes. "She cared about May," I agreed, "but that doesn't mean she didn't do it."

Allison nodded solemnly, and I could tell whatever hope she'd had that Misa was innocent was now almost, if not completely, gone.

"Should we tell her?" Allison asked.

I didn't have to ask who "she" was.

"It depends," I said, "either Misa did it because May was getting too close, or she didn't and was just a friend of May's.
"Either way, she definitely cared about May, and that connection is important to Birdie. I don't have to tell you how much it means to her. I'm pretty certain that Amane did it, but on the slim chance she didn't, do we want to risk it? Even if she did do it, would you want to tell Birdie? For her, it would be like losing May all over again."

"Either genuine happiness or happiness based on a lie," Allison said with a dry laugh, "and if we tell her, there's only one result. I'm willing to take that chance, Patience. Maybe it's wrong of me, but I'd rather have Birdie be living a happy lie than living in misery."

I shrugged. "I don't think there is a right or wrong here, Allison," I said. "In any of this."

"Not even in Kira killing people?" Allison said skeptically.

Riddles {a Death Note MelloXOC and NearXOC story}Where stories live. Discover now